Guess I won't be riding for a while

I think most of Colorado has had enough moisture in the last month. Just hope we don't end up with the same. This will be gone within a couple of days anyways. Have fun today.....I'm heading to work. No snow day for us, unlike the kids.
That snow is impressive, I live in Texas and have only seen snow once. But we are getting a cold front this weekend supposed to be like 80 degrees. :)
I was through Casper on Monday riding my Goldwing back to Ca from Minnesota. No snow, but the wind sure can blow.
Looks like I made it west just in time as half of the area I rode through has snow now.
I was through Casper on Monday riding my Goldwing back to Ca from Minnesota. No snow, but the wind sure can blow.
Looks like I made it west just in time as half of the area I rode through has snow now.

Sunday and Monday were horrible for the wind, worst we've had for several months. We had some snow last friday too, but not to this extent. You're lucky you made it through before this came, you'd be motel bound for a few days.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I can't take it!! This is way too early to talk the "s" word!! 84F today is central Ohio.
If that was Idaho, I would roll out my Enduro that is already equipped with carbide tip studs and I would have a blast! Can't wait for winter to arrive. Haven't been able to ride it for almost 7 months since it's illegal to ride with studs during the non-winter months.

Please. Keep that stuff out west this year. Central Virginia is forecasting 85 high / 61 low with sunny skies all weekend. :thumbup:
I saw that picture and my heart sank for your loss. :)

Sadly, with two mild winters in the northeast, I believe we're headed into a nasty one.
It's supposed to be back in the 60's next week. The news said if this would have hit in the middle of winter it would have been 3 feet of snow. I think we will be in for one heck of a winter though. I might just have to pull out the snowmobiles earlier this year though.....just fine with me :rockon:
It was 36 and wet when I rode into work this morning, but there was snow on the ground on base (fortunately not on the roads).
Time to try out the Pinlock thingie that came with my new Schuberth! ;)

I love this time of year for riding! No burning your buns on a sun-scorched seat, no sweaty back or helmet liner, no bug splats on your faceshield, and all the Harley riders wave at you... from the bus stop!! :BLAA: :BLAA: :BLAA:
It is still coming down like crazy here. The trees are getting the worst of it.... broken limbs everywhere. I have some friends living up on the mountain and they have 2 1/2 feet or more of extremely wet snow up there. Its amazing it can go from the 70's to the high 20's in a matter of 2 days. If anybody needs fire wood, its an all you can pick up buffet here!!