Group buy for M4 Exhaust

Breeze, you must be tough. I know I would cry sticking my junk in my FZ's airbox. Wave if you like hot angry sex!
Is anyone using a Power commander with these m4's? would you have to get a custom tune? how much does a custom tune usually cost? I have a K&n air filter and should get the exhaust soon just getting excited.
One of the screws got stripped on the old exhaust so I had to use a dremel tool to cut the screw will also need a variety of sockets to get off some of the other bolts.....with the right tools this is about a 4 on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the hardest)
Basic sockets is enough- I think someone said they did this install without being mechanically inclined or having done anything else...and had no problem. I would have done it in 1 hour taking my time if I hadn't had BS problems that had nothing to do with difficulty.

Oh God, not only do I not have my bike, but I didn't ride it for a while because I was packing/moving/unpacking and too tired to ride for a while. I miss my M4's! We but knew each other but a day, but oh the cherished memories- pray tell me thou shalt be near me again, soon! :(
did any of you guys have a funny smell or see smoke from the middle of the bike fter your first few rides witht he new pipes on?.....should I expect a slight oder (burning off the new-ness of the pipes?) for a coupe of days......I did use a little WD40 to make the pipe slide on?????

Any thoughts?????
did any of you guys have a funny smell or see smoke from the middle of the bike fter your first few rides witht he new pipes on?.....should I expect a slight oder (burning off the new-ness of the pipes?) for a coupe of days......I did use a little WD40 to make the pipe slide on?????

Any thoughts?????

yes I had this same smell,
did the m4's come with any warranty info at all. Cause I threw away the instructions accidently.
I did not. My bike runs fine and is more responsive than when I had the stock exhausts. Feels like I gained +3 or 5 HP. In other words the dyno is not necessary for slip-on exhausts.
yah I feel the increase in power to, but I was thinking that it could be even better with the pc3. I think I would get a mid pipe if I were to get the pc3. My bike seems to be running hot (cant blame it it's 110 outside).
yah I feel the increase in power to, but I was thinking that it could be even better with the pc3. I think I would get a mid pipe if I were to get the pc3. My bike seems to be running hot (cant blame it it's 110 outside).

I remember when I used to think that about my FZ6 - hearing the fans kick on isn't anything like burning your legs through jeans though :eek:
What ever came of this group buy? I am leaning toward the 2 Bros buy but if this is still going on I may jump on this.....Bueller.....Bueller.......Thanks guys