Green Bay Packers

Fun game to watch, looked like the pack was going to choke in the second half but they got the job done. Found out this week Aaron Rogers home town is Chico, Ca. An hour north of here, lots of cheeseheads up that way now.

Humpy, you going riding the rest of the day before tonights rum fest?

Knew they would win. They could not have an embarrassing loss in the big game, they already did that earlier this season when they lost to the lions.
This fact still has me dumbfounded :don'tknow:
If it could not be my should have been your Packers, Hump! GO NFC, baby! I am so psyched at the moment.....I think another beer, another cheese dip on a cracker, another slice of greasy pizza, another beer....wait...I said that.....and another chicken wing is in order. I'm ruining my own health to toast your team. Thank me later. :thumbup: