Got lent the FZ6 as a courtesy bike...

Feb 23, 2015
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Hampshire, England
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...cos I came off my XJ-6 recently on some black ice. The problem is now after a week with the bike I think I like it more than my XJ-6. A lot more. It requires a bit more finesse with the handling but it's so much more satisfying to ride, and the extra power is nice. I also post over at BCF, I'm going to repost some bits here.


2007 Yamaha FAZER FZ-6 S2

From the reading I've done this was arguably the best model year before the power got knocked from 98BHP and some other changes detrimental to the fun factor were made. Classic Yammy racing blue colour scheme as well.

I must say, I quite like it. It's not quite as well-tuned for low end torque as the XJ-6 and the handling requires a little more finesse, plus the suspension is set too stiff but these things aside I'm thoroughly enjoying this bike.

I'd take the gearbox on this over the XJ-6, it's easier to handle for slow control stuff and the engine sounds less busy. The more I ride it the closer it comes to making me like it more than the other bike, certainly makes me feel like I'm learning more as a rider and respecting the road too - the fact it's been wet and greasy a lot again recently probably helps. The extra power really becomes apparent when pushing over 8K and it really does seem to handle better when it's working hard, better engine note than the Divvy as well. Tank range from first full load I put in there was 171 miles before it hit the reserve, although a lot of that was motorway riding for work rather than the usual back road stuff that made me lose the Divvy so I guess that factors in.

So yeah. Genuinely impressed, and can see why there's already 28K on the clock before I got my grubby mitts on it. Any experiences from those who own or have ridden these? I understand they have quite a loyal following and I'm beginning to see why, slightly twitchy back end and typically clunky change from 2nd down to 1st common to all the Yamaha bikes I've ridden aside.


It almost seems like the XJ-6 is the toned down version of the Fazer now I've had some time with both, a good bike but not quite as wild when you're over 7K RPM. The low end torque is better and the handling is much more forgiving but the longer I'm on the Fazer it feels like a step up. It gets to triple figures and feels like there's easily some more where the XJ-6 starts getting breathless and creeping slowly towards the redline. The big bike review sites say the XJ-6 has an improved gearbox but I think the Fazer's one is better especially for two up, slow speed stuff reveals a better turning circle and the weight is more manageable.

I'm really taken with it actually, even with the high mileage. Far as I know the bike is a trade-in that hasn't been serviced and made forecourt ready, had basic checks etc but would need some work to get the dealership seal of approval. If my XJ-6 is declared a write off I'd happily consider this one or the same model year but a little less on the clock...


So yeah, even if/when my XJ-6 is repaired via my insurance company, I'd kinda prefer to keep this one. I really really like it, it's much more fitting to me as a rider.
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You sir, sound like you're hooked!

Lol is it that obvious? Yeah she's a damn good bike. The pic was taken on the first day I was loaned it, which was the afternoon after the accident (happened on my way to work, I do love the back roads even when I shouldn't).

I think I might be able to leverage a deal on it. I was considering getting the dealership to repair my XJ-6 aka "The Divvy" by insurance and pay for a service/new tyres at the same time. Might be worth seeing if I can do some haggling, as my uncle who runs the dealership it came from freely admits it's not quite at the quality level he'd want from a forecourt bike. So I'm hearing "discount"... :-D
I've never heard of the XJ-6 but it almost seems like a FZ6NR (like a detuned naked FZ6), when I looked it up I swore it was just an FZ6N.

Here's to hoping you get to swap up to it, I love my 2007 of the same color and everything!
XJ6 Diversion F 2014 Features & techspecs - Motorcycles - Yamaha Motor UK

XJ-6 appears to be the EU version of our FZ6R which has less power and is more sporty. The FZ6 is more comfortable with significantly more top end power. It's no wonder you prefer it! I've had my FZ6 since 2006 brand new and never plan to sell it. Nothing out there really does what it does better...except maybe the new FJ-09!
You nailed it perfectly!.

Exactly the same year, color, rack as mine...:thumbup:

We have members here with over 100,000 miles on the clock...

Most regulars here really like theirs.

My 07 started as my replacement "beater". That didn't last long...I was up to 3 bikes in the garage, down to one now (by choice) and this is by far my favorite...
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Yeah don't worry about the mileage, i don't think I've ever read about an engine failure being the reason why the bike had to be totaled. We have many members who have logged over 50k miles, I just happened to have them doubled.
:welcome: to the forum RLAN, glad to see you like the bike hope you can get a good deal on it :thumbup:.

I upgraded from my old Divvy years ago now (2007) and haven't looked back since :rockon:

My parents lived in Hampshire for a while (in Petersfield), nice area :thumbup:
28k is nothing on these bikes. I picked up mine used last year (1st bike ever), '09 with 28k on the clock. My 1st season I didn't get much riding in, it was learning the ropes, and 'learning' when to slip out and the wife won't want blood (the hobby/passion is not shared..) Plus I take my kids to school every day, so bike time for me is.. Yah, weekend warrior type stuff with occasional commutes during the summer (I swear I treat her like my baby despite that.) I'm within 1 ride of 30k (Once this stupid snow goes away this weekend, 30k and photos will occur!). Purrs like a kitten - starts up effortlessly. Could use some suspension tuning for my big arse, but otherwise this thing has been a treat to me for my 2 wheel learning..

Lovely power after 7k, totally different bike characteristics once that RPM line is hit. Low end torque is fine for getting around in town, and whats one downshift to get the ball rolling on the interstate?

If you weren't hooked before (and it sounds like you are!) hanging here with some seriously intelligent and knowledgeable owners is like zipping the mouth shut with hook attached; no chance of escape! Blah
like everyone else said, forget the mileage! 28k is nothing. Ill hit 50k in a few months and many others have hit and gone past it.
Good to know mileage isn't a huge issue on these then. It's got a good service history from what I've been told and it runs beautifully, I can tell from the condition it's never been down the road although if I were to have it I'd want crash bars or bungs to protect it, peace of mind. You have a spill within a week of considering a different bike you wanna make sure if you do change you don't lose the new bike's fairing etc if possible. (I do a lot of country road riding; motorway aka freeway is boring and as someone noted Hampshire has some great roads if you know where to look, although some of those roads are in a bit of a state).

I had a word with my uncle when I was on my lunch hour at work and he said it's completely possible to leverage the XJ-6 against the FZ6. I was gonna have a service done on the XJ-6 as it has 13K on the clock (last service at 7K, bit late but then it did have a prep oil change at 2.5K which was the mileage when I got it) and some Michelin Pilot Road 2s on there to replace the Maxxis DiamondMaxx tyres which have always had a problem with understeer since I got them but as I said to him, if I'm getting this I'd rather have the dealership throw in a service and I'll pay for new tyres/crash bungs. Summer is just around the corner - looks like another early one, rare for the UK - and I want a bike that's good for high mileage, high speed stuff.

Another great ride home from work just a few hours ago nearly cemented it. Overtaking is so much easier, smoother and the Fazer just has something about it that facilitates more focused riding - if you give it your full attention and put your weight on the pegs etc just right it rewards you with sharp handling and responds better to low gear/high rev style to stick right into those corners. Compared to the XJ-6 it almost oversteers meaning it's just as good at speed as it is for slow control, a little lean on the turns goes a lot further than on the Divvy. I like that. Makes it feel nimble.
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Lovely power after 7k, totally different bike characteristics once that RPM line is hit. Low end torque is fine for getting around in town, and whats one downshift to get the ball rolling on the interstate?

What amazes me is it can hit triple figures (MPH) in sixth and still have some pull left. I don't quite have the cajones to drop it down to fifth or fourth and see what it could do but since it redlines at 14K there's a decent margin remaining to hit top speed... on private roads of course. :rockon:
What amazes me is it can hit triple figures (MPH) in sixth and still have some pull left. I don't quite have the cajones to drop it down to fifth or fourth and see what it could do but since it redlines at 14K there's a decent margin remaining to hit top speed... on private roads of course. :rockon:

The FZ6 will hit 100 MPH in 3rd or 4th gear! :thumbup:

This engine really shines in the (indicated) 8-14K range. I was able to pull away from a Liter bike (Suzuki SV1000) up to 100 mph on mine once back when I was young and foolish.
The FZ6 will hit 100 MPH in 3rd or 4th gear! :thumbup:

This engine really shines in the (indicated) 8-14K range. I was able to pull away from a Liter bike (Suzuki SV1000) up to 100 mph on mine once back when I was young and foolish.

Lol excellent, I can see if I keep the FZ6 I'll have room to grow into what it is capable of. Much as I like the XJ-6 it is getting to the stage where it's not quite got the handling and the power to keep up when the roads are clear and the weather is good.
Yep. Ride back from work cemented it, I have to keep this bike. I feel more in control, every so often I look down at the speedometer and it's a little higher round certain corners yet the bike is much more stable and easier to lean with, it's really improving my ability to counter steer while leaning more weight on the appropriate peg. Also I've not knocked it out of gear yet whereas on the Divvy that'd happen at least once or twice per hours worth of riding.
Yep. Ride back from work cemented it, I have to keep this bike. I feel more in control, every so often I look down at the speedometer and it's a little higher round certain corners yet the bike is much more stable and easier to lean with, it's really improving my ability to counter steer while leaning more weight on the appropriate peg. Also I've not knocked it out of gear yet whereas on the Divvy that'd happen at least once or twice per hours worth of riding.

What year XJ6 Diversion do you have? I was unaware of this bike. They started making it back in 1992!

The bike was reintroduced again in 2009 as a much improved model. If you're riding a 1990's model it's no wonder the FZ6 is so much better! Blah
What year XJ6 Diversion do you have? I was unaware of this bike. They started making it back in 1992!

The bike was reintroduced again in 2009 as a much improved model. If you're riding a 1990's model it's no wonder the FZ6 is so much better! Blah

Lol no it is the 2009 redesign not the old 90s one, actually mine is a 09 plate so it's first year of reissue. Excellent bike but just not quite cutting it, in a way the down the road incident was a blessing because now I realise what I was missing with the Fazer.

This one...


Certainly a lot safer than this widow maker I had for a short time though...

So I'm in the dealership right now getting the deeds transferred. She's a keeper! I'll have to wait until next week to do the tax and insurance as with the pending repair claim on my XJ-6 it's put a spanner in the works but I can continue to ride it under the current dealership courtesy insurance/tax so it's still road legal.

Looks like I'll get her in for a service, valve clearance, new tyres and fitting crash bungs or bars next weekend. Probably gonna go for Pilot Road 3s with the softer grip on the edges, lot of people in real life and on BCF reckon they're among the best for longevity and riding in all weathers.

The only real downside here is the typical English weather - it's raining solidly here so I can't take her for a proper blast, I have to baby it through the corners and stick to the motorways where possible. Hopefully it'll clear by tomorrow with sun to dry the tarmac so I can cruise around and practice my cornering!

:Sport: :D