Got ghost stories?


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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Yeah, i'm a paranormal enthusiast, if you can't tell.
I know LOTS of people have creepy things happen to them, and i'm sure some of our forum members have as well

DO SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll start....

I was probably 12 when this happened keep in mind... My uncle had just bought a long abandoned house for a good price, and it was time to start restoring it to livability.

Little bit of background info on the house,
An older guy lived alone and basically in the kitchen of the house (had a bathtub hooked up to the kitchen) and boarded off the rest of the house. (this isn't a small house, 5 bedroom 2 story). He died in the house and the daughter (who lived out of state) wanted to sell it, but part of the terms were the house had to be demolished (suspicious). Obviously the final deal didn't go down that way.

Anyways the house had no power and i was helping dig out the basement (foundation was crumbling and the basement needed to be dug out) so it's like 9 at night, pitch black, and here i am 12, scared sh!tless of the dark already in a basement with just a halogen lamp powered by a generator. My dad tells me he had to run to the truck real quick (other side of a huge lawn) i said ok... and went back to digging. So he was gone for a little bit, i kept digging, and i hear footsteps upstairs, going back and forth, so i went up with a little flashlight to see what dad was looking for on the first floor.... i looked in the living room (old rotten room scary as hell) don't see him....i then hear probably 400 yds away dad's truck door shut....

I ran out of that house sooooo fast and i was nearly to tears... those footsteps WERE NOT his!!!!

Dad got back and asked me why i was running, i said there were footsteps! He said "oh you met Mr. Spooky" ... i said "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS?!" he said: "yeah but i didn't want to tell you because then you wouldn't have wanted to come work"

Let me tell you that house was creepy as hell, something out of a horror movie at times. Footsteps were a hugely common occurance.

My dad and uncle tell stories about it at family campfires.... the first day dad worked there at night with my uncle they were in the basement, same thing, footsteps upstairs...(mind you, this was a couple weeks before my experience) Dad said to my uncle "oh maybe Sam (my cousin) is here to help" Bill (my uncle) responds "ain't nobody up there" says "what do you mean nobody's up there? obviously theres someone up there can't you hear the footsteps?" Bill says "go look" so dad does, and comes back..."Billy there isn't nobody up there?! Whats going on?" Billy responds "it's Mr. Spooky.

Apparently one night (still no power other than a generator) they were sitting in the kitchen when Boomer (a friendly resident dog) came to the door, and when asked to come in he started growling and barking and basically foaming at the mouth like a criminal was around. Soon after a halogen light (the only one in the room) on a tripod got thrown over making the room dark....

Anyways the question is, is this the spirit of the old guy that lived in the house or did he lock himself in the kitchen because of something that was there before? Creepy either way....

I still remember the sound of heavy work boots on a wooden floor... my uncle says he still has thing happen voices/doors opening/footsteps from time to time but not as bad as when we were renovating.

Anyways, your turn... Share your story :thumbup:
Cool experience!!

I do believe that the more spiritual you are, the more susceptible you are to paranormal activities.

I hear things in my home all the time. Especially when I'm home alone. Sometimes when I sleep in on the weekend, I would wake up to sounds of chatter in the kitchen and when I get up to go check on all that racket, I find that there's no one home! Other times, there would be tugging on my bedroom door like someone is checking to see if it's locked. I know there's no one home so after a few incidents and me checking the whole house, I've come to accept that there are others living among us. More to come but I'll let other have a chance to share their stories and encounters.
i heard this story from my friends dad a while ago freaked me out a lil...bc wen i tell this story to other people in my culture they agree that this does happen

well my friends dad was in a big cementary around night time in the philippines on some day like halloween/ day of the dead w a couple of his friends and he had to take a leak... so he went down to some tree and at the tree he sees some lady in an all white dress and long white hair on a hill far away and while still lookin at her...he blinked...then she popped up infront of his face w a demonic face... he ran for his life lol

Having witnessed my godson talking to the 'man' in the corner & hearing his footsteps & watching with my own eyes as 'he' opens & closed a screen door :eek: Ghosts I definately believe in :thumbup:
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My mum told me this story and she was not one to fudge the truth.
She was in bed late one night when she heard a noise in the living room,she got out of bed to go look and when she got to the door her father appeared and refused to let her out.Still in a sleep haze ,she went back to bed.
When she woke in the morning her mum told her some one had been in the house.
She was convinced that her dad wouldnt let her out so that she wouldnt get hurt by the intruder ............whats so spooky about that you ask?

Her dad had been dead for 5 years :eek:
When I was young the house we lived in didn't have closets in the bedrooms, so instead we had metal cabinets to hang out clothes in. One night I remember hearing a noise in my room. It was the cabinet shaking. It's wasn't shaking a lot, but enough to hear and wake me up. Like any little kid, I hid under the covers where it's safe. The noise stopped and I felt someone run their finger up my back through the covers. The really scary part is then I felt something blow on my neck - while I was still under the covers. I asked it to go away, and that was it, nothing else happened.

My mom would say that for some reason, all of her dresses would go in to her closet right, but when she'd get them back out to wear, the belts were always backwards - that's weird too.

Not sure what/who it was, but my cousin moved in to the house after we moved out and they also had strange things happen