Good News after court


Junior Member
Sep 24, 2014
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Montrose, Colorado
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Some of you may remember, I got hit by a guy turning into a Walmart parking lot.

His insurance his been running me around saying it was half my fault so they don't have to pay. Good news is the other driver was found guilty of careless driving for trying to make a u turn in a busy intersection and going right then left(to make a u turn). My lawyers finally got some leverage on 21st century ( the other guys crappy company)

Now for the ehh news.. Bike has frame damage. Just a chip on a new stressed point but its frame damage none the less. I'm 95% sure they are going to just take it, I hope I can buy it back since I've been riding for 2 months since the accident and love my bike but if they want more than 1000 I'm not sure i want to buy it back. It will have salvaged title and the chip on the frame so i don't see anyone paying more than 1500 for it.

If they do take it what bike is next? its like damn, Its about to be winter, do I deal hunt or wait til spring do i want an fz1, a speed triple, fz8 fz9 soo many choices ughh
That's good news. ;)

Regarding to buy another motorcycle... yeah, you could buy another FZ6 or go for the FZ1.

But they will give you money for the motorcycle, right? So... why don't you negotiate with them and say you'll take the motorcycle and some money, it's an option around here, or you give the motorcycle and receive the full amount of money, or you stay with it and they will pay you less.

Here's a picture of the frame damage,

20150703_154418.jpg 20150706_084051.jpg

Its really not affecting anything but unless i can get the bike back from them for less than 1000 i think i'll let them have it.

Townsend, I saw that, I got mine without any drops with 8,000miles for 3250 9 months ago so he's asking higher than i would pay for a bike that has been dropped.
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Frame slider bolt bent just right...:(.

Where the mount is damaged is really minimal. Its the outer edge (where the stock bolt head would sit recessed inside of).

Looks like the threads held in the block...

Once that bolt is out, the FRAME part of it filed down (that sticks out beyond stock), you'd be fine the way it is.

Or get a good TIG welder to build it up (won't take much at all)...Then paint.

I don't see them totaling the bike for what you have.

If you already have pic's etc and are going to ride it, PULL THAT BROKEN BOLT OUT and replace with the stocker or another and torque down to spec's. The engine is a stressed member and your currently putting EXCESS STRESS on the rest of the engine mounts/FRAME...

**Note, It appears with the bent bolt, spinning it out WILL be a issue (and won't spin out). Hammering it straight will likely damage the engine threads_DON'T...

Use a cut off wheel initially, then carefully with a drill should be able to make enough clearance to spin it out and it doesn't appear to be hardened...

BUT get a new bolt in there if your going to ride it..

IMO, if you like the bike, I'd do the above repair, it'd be fine...
in the UK any frame damage like that will result in them writing the bike off, and not allowing it back on the road
in the UK any frame damage like that will result in them writing the bike off, and not allowing it back on the road

Yeah the main point is they have to fix it to how it was before the accident or total it out. Frame is damaged, Thanks townsend I have the stock bolt back in I'm not retarded i wouldn't ride it without a frame bolt. those pics were just to show you guys the damage.

I do like the bike a lot but sometimes i wish i could pick the front end up without red line in first gear at 20 mph. Leads me to believe I want a little more power but I don't want added weight or reduced handling. I'm a weekend canyon carver and just learned to get a knee / hand to touch.

It really comes down to if i can make good money on the bike like buy it back for less than 1000 and be able to sell it for 2+ after a quick tig frame weld. than its worth it. otherwise id rather them just give me the 3500 kbb because i couldnt sell it anywhere near that high with all the plastics scratched not to mention the frame.
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