FZ6 to R1 comparison

I live in Canada. Therefore, paid Canadian Price in Canadian funds. MSRP was $15,699 and I paid $11,400 on the road. There is 12% tax where I live too.

Ha ha! Yeah, I would hope you didn't pay in american dollars for a canadian Price! :D

Seriously though, that's a great deal! comes out to about $9500 us, right? Sweet deal for a sweet ride!
I hate to ask you this since you already covered this in your first post, but can you tell me how comfortable it is. Compared to the FZ6, how much more forward are you on your arms and wrist. How are the pegs in relation to the FZ. When I ride my FZ I always pull my foot back so that the only thing on the pegs is the ball and toes of my foot and when I go to stop I slide my foot forward for the levers. Can you ride with your foot completely on the pegs or do you pull them back. I pull mine back because I find myself putting pressure on the levers if I leave them forward. The reason I ask is that when i pull my feet back I think im pretty close to where the pegs would be on an R1.

I'm just wondering because I am looking at getting a bigger cc bike. I am looking at either an FZ1, R1 and something way out there a Hayabusa.:thumbup:

I'm 6'3 220
I hate to ask you this since you already covered this in your first post, but can you tell me how comfortable it is. Compared to the FZ6, how much more forward are you on your arms and wrist. How are the pegs in relation to the FZ. When I ride my FZ I always pull my foot back so that the only thing on the pegs is the ball and toes of my foot and when I go to stop I slide my foot forward for the levers. Can you ride with your foot completely on the pegs or do you pull them back. I pull mine back because I find myself putting pressure on the levers if I leave them forward. The reason I ask is that when i pull my feet back I think im pretty close to where the pegs would be on an R1.

I'm just wondering because I am looking at getting a bigger cc bike. I am looking at either an FZ1, R1 and something way out there a Hayabusa.:thumbup:

I'm 6'3 220

Foot position is not as good as the FZ6 in terms of comfort. I used to ride my FZ6 just like you do, moving my toes only to shift. The R1 is not as comfortable in that respect. My legs feel more like a chicken wing on the R1, (more bent) for sure. It also means that I am tucked in more, squeeze the tank and seat with my legs, and make purposeful weight transfer on the peg to adjust to handling. It is less comfortable, but involves rider input more. Kind of a trade off as far as I am concerned.
How about a view the other way round?

I had two R1s and now am on my 2nd Fazer. First R1 was in the now-classic '98 red & white, 2nd R1 was an '04 in blue. (Sorry no pics, they're all prints and I don't have a scanner to hand).

The best things about the R1:
- acceleration: you could pass 10 vehicles in one twist of the wrist
- handling: with the right profile tyres, it cornered fantastically easily with great stability. I did a fair few track days and improved my style, smoothness and laptimes no end

The worst things about the R1:
- I went everywhere at manic speed, put myself and sometimes others at risk, came off a fair few times (on track and on the road). Luckily I didn't hurt myself or anyone else
- consequently it cost me a fortune in repairs and high insurance premiums, track day and track school fees, buying a trailer etc etc. Don't get me wrong though, I had a hell of good time spending that money!
- but the lack of comfort finally got to me: eventually it got to the stage that every time I went out, I suffered not only with pressure on the wrists, but also deep ache at the back of my neck. Probably an age thing

So I moved on up to the Fazers:
- I now do many more miles per year than I ever did on the R1s
- I regularly commute to work, saving me fuel, time and parking charges, as well as having fun at the same time on a good proportion of those journeys
- I'm now considering a bit of touring, something I never thought about with the R1s
- I'm a more considered, definitely safer and so probably a better road rider as a result. At least I should be around a little longer to post messages like these lol...
drama drama drama blah blah blah

but thats one hell of a bike right there. looks like a beast. i can see myself tackling this monster one day. baby steps to the safety class. baby steps to the fz. baby steps to the r1.
I really like the new 09 R1's especially with the cross-plain crankshaft. This month's issue of Sport Rider did a really detailed write-up on it and I think it is probably one of the biggest advancements in quite some time. The only thing is the headlights on the new R1's look a little goofy to me; think I'll wait to get a few more years riding under my belt and see if Yamaha doesn't do something with the front end in the meantime lol. Sweet bike though, and thanks for all the details in your comparison :thumbup:. Reading what everyone has to say about the R1 to FZ6 and FZ6 to R1 switchover, it makes me wanna get an R1 and keep my FZ6 (if finances permit) for long rides to the coast or just for general commuting, and break out the R1 on the weekends for some serious blasting in the canyons and out at the racetrack :rockon: