FZ6 Neon

  • Thread starter Raid The Revenge
  • Start date
Hey man are you good with photo editing software?

A couple of us are trying to put together a FZ6RC tshirt order.

I have some cool pictures of on of our members leaned over on the track.
I need to get changed into one color. You know what I mean?
It would have positive and negitive but show the picture with just say blue for example, with the light being open and the dark being the color.

Does that make sense?
nice one Raid...how about doing the same with the 2007???????
wrightme43, are you trying to turn something like this
View attachment 993
into this?
View attachment 994

Something like that.
It would have a rider on a bike, leaned over and getting after it. That much detail will be lost in the printing though. It is hard for me to discribe what I need. I know what it is, but I dont know how to do it, and I dont know how to tell someone to do it.

I am sorry.
Here's the pink-painted FZ6 with a colored seat.

There's extra lighting provided too.

View attachment 1010

Send me your T-shirt picture and tell me what you want done...
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Here's the 2006 FZ6N.
View attachment 1016

I was unable to find an owner's manual for the '07 version.

It's a simple process:

1)Copy a picture from the owner's manual.
2)Paste the image into PAINTER IX.
3)Adjust canvas size.
4)Auto select the inking.
5)Fill with a gradiant.
6)Paint the background black.

To change the color of a picture:

1)Carefully cutout the panel you want painted. Zooming into the panel up close will make you more accurate.
2)Use a color toner to change the hue of the selected panel.

It's not hard. The most time-consuming part is carefully selecting what you want colored. I really like to color inked-sketches.