Fz6 Down


Proud Dad
Aug 31, 2008
Reaction score
Santa Rosa, Northern california
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so after 2 years with my bike its gone! i was going fo a nice trip here in northern california. It was perfect weather i was ridding along, all of a sudden a car slams its brakes to make a sudden Lt turn no signal nothing. I didnt stop soon enough, i tried to aviod him but in a single lane that made it tough. I went to the right to go around him but i didnt have enough room, that and the road and gravel had about a 4 inch step. I lost control slammed to the ground rolled a few times, it was a scary feeling people ran to help me a fellow rider helped me pick my bike up after i was able to get up. To make it worse i touched poison oak so i ended up at the hospital i got checked out i got fractured ribs road rash ive bin healing and i have to say im very happy to be okay. Now that sad part is i did $7,000 dollars of damage so my bike is gone. Luckly my insurance will pay it off, but i will admit i was angry i fell i hated seeing my bike in the ground it wasnt drivable so i had to get it towed. The worst part may be that its the end of my riding i have a family im alive not so broken, maybe its time to just take a step back, well at least for now my wife quite for me. All i can say is enjoy your fz6 it was my first bike i had a blast riding it and remeber be safe out there
I will mourn for your fizzer. :(

I hope you don't quit riding altogether. I can understand how you feel and I also have a family, but bikes have brought a lot of pleasure to my life. Heal up brother!
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damn dude... that sucks, hurts seeing a fz6 like that, glad you're doing better than your bike tho..
Good luck recovering, and cagers get killed in car crashes too, so get back on a bike soon ;)
so after 2 years with my bike its gone! i was going fo a nice trip here in northern california. It was perfect weather i was ridding along, all of a sudden a car slams its brakes to make a sudden Lt turn no signal nothing. I didnt stop soon enough, i tried to aviod him but in a single lane that made it tough. I went to the right to go around him but i didnt have enough room, that and the road and gravel had about a 4 inch step. I lost control slammed to the ground rolled a few times, it was a scary feeling people ran to help me a fellow rider helped me pick my bike up after i was able to get up. To make it worse i touched poison oak so i ended up at the hospital i got checked out i got fractured ribs road rash ive bin healing and i have to say im very happy to be okay. Now that sad part is i did $7,000 dollars of damage so my bike is gone. Luckly my insurance will pay it off, but i will admit i was angry i fell i hated seeing my bike in the ground it wasnt drivable so i had to get it towed. The worst part may be that its the end of my riding i have a family im alive not so broken, maybe its time to just take a step back, well at least for now my wife quite for me. All i can say is enjoy your fz6 it was my first bike i had a blast riding it and remeber be safe out there

Terribly sorry! I am sorry for your misfortune.... Hope you keep mingling on the forum at least. Your time may come again to jump on a set of wheels, but glad you are ok, aside from the rib.

Get well soon
Sorry for the bike loss, but SO glad to hear you came out of it in relatively good shape. It could have been much worse.
Glad to hear you are ok! Bike looks beat up.

How fast were you going when this happened? What could you have done to avoid this outcome?
ive been in situation like this before, i was traveling north on a 6 lane road with a center divider at about 50mph.. an ambulance was coming south, keep in mind there was a divider

all of the sudden, the folks in all three northbound lanes decided to slam their brakes instead of calming to a slow speed for an ambulance that wasnt going to hop the divider

i locked up both front and rear brakes and skid within 3 inchs of the car in front of me (i put my hand up to brace for impact).. glad to come out of that one without an incident

i dont blame you for quitting, or needing to, ive always told myself, if i survive my 1st serious crash, it will probably be my last
Really glad that you are not in bad shape, and sorry to hear about your FZ6. Take care and get well soon. Hopefully, you'll be back riding soon.
How fast were you going when this happened? What could you have done to avoid this outcome?

Excellent question as I was thinking the samething. What first popped into my mind was your safety margin as well, if there is anything to be learned from this is make sure everyone keeps their time and space from the vehicles that your followng. You just never know what these Bozos will do. Nothing should surprise you.

Most importantly, your all right and thanks for posting.
The important thing here is that you are alright. Broken ribs heal quickly due to their excellent blood supply. As for getting back on the bike...

After my accident in 2008, I took a lot of time off from riding partly due to a shoulder injury and partly due to my own fears of getting back on. My advice is that in several months from now, just borrow a friends bike to cruise around a neighborhood, low speed. See if this something you miss or not and make the decision from there. I don't have a wife or kids, so my situation is certainly different than yours, but I chose to get back on the horse and have never been happier. As others have said, one thing you need to think about it is how this accident might have been avoided and adjust your riding as a result of it. I can tell you that I ride VERY differently now than I did before my accident. I am much more careful, much more analytical, and make much smarter decisions on how I approach turns, at what speed, and in what situations.

Regardless if you get back on the bike, stay on the forum and help contribute to riders less experienced than you. This forum is a family and we wouldn't want to lose a brother here.
Sorry to hear about your accident, and your bike...

I see you have an '84 Honda Nighthawk. I also had an '84 Nighthawk 750S. It was my first bike. I laid it down in a decreasing radius turn when I swung a little too wide and caught the gravel at the edge of the pavement. I was offline for motorcycle riding for not quite two years. My fiance was pretty distraught as well. The my buddy made (he actually DID twist my arm) me ride his bike for a short trip into town and back. I got 'hooked' all over again. I ended up buying my FZ6 and have not looked back since. I DO, however ride a lot more safely than I ever did.

You have an awesome bike in the Nighthawk. Hopefully you'll heal up physically, AND mentally, and when your ready straddle that ole'84. It'll make you feel whole again.

So sorry Dude!
Why don't people signal? They act like it's costing them something or that there are just so many flashes built in at the factory and they are afraid they will use them all up!
Good luck!
If you love riding the love will put you back on the mount! I put a BMW down some 4 years ago, totaled it but was able to limp it home. Upon getting home I was more injured than I thought, but was already looking forward to getting back on.

Limping that thing home, in hind sight, wasn't very smart. But it did put me right back on to overcome my shaken sense of confidence. After I healed I had a different sense of responsibility to become a better rider. My spill was my fault, upon realizing it I made every textbook mistake you can imagine. 6 months later I was at the dragon!

Glad your relatively well. Speedy recovery!:rockon:
Glad you're ok! The first major off is a bit of a shock. The bike isn't in that bad of shape at all really from what I see in the pics. Probably could be fixed for ~$600, unless there is some other damage not pictured.

Heal well and G'luck with whatever you do.
1st sorry to hear about the wreck
2nd glad your ok for the most part

No need to give up riding, you got a family so I take it that means kids too? why not use the cash to pick up several used dirt bikes and ride with your kids? It's even funner;)
So sorry Dude!
Why don't people signal? They act like it's costing them something or that there are just so many flashes built in at the factory and they are afraid they will use them all up!
Good luck!

In some cases that is exactly what they are thinking. The last 2 years of my grandmother's driving life she refused to use her turn signals. She said she didn't want to burn out the bulbs.

Sorry about your bike. Glad you are not hurt worse. get well and don't make any rash descissions aobut riding again.