FZ6:1 dodge charger:0

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Apr 18, 2008
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suffice to say after a 100mi with a Charger on my ass at 85, I let the old girl stretch legs a bit for the last 15. Apparently he couldn't do a $1.25, but the FZ was just singin.:BLAA:
suffice to say after a 100mi with a Charger on my ass at 85, I let the old girl stretch legs a bit for the last 15. Apparently he couldn't do a $1.25, but the FZ was just singin.:BLAA:

Or the guy in the Dodge realized that doing 125mph on a public road is just plane stupid.:spank:

If you have someone tailing you at 85mph for 100mi, why not just move over and let him go by? Seems like the mature thing to do instead of risking your life, your license, and possibly someone else's life by doing those speeds on a public road. Save it for the track dude.
Well because I did slow down, several times in fact he never budged. Also I did actually have a reason for it, and don't blow smoke up my arse and say you've never done something similar, and there are no tracks around here.

But hey since you like being all up on your horse dude.:Flip:
Well because I did slow down, several times in fact he never budged. Also I did actually have a reason for it, and don't blow smoke up my arse and say you've never done something similar, and there are no tracks around here.

But hey since you like being all up on your horse dude.:Flip:

I'm not blowing smoke up your arse dude. But just out of curiousity, what reason are you referring to that would justify doing 125 on a public road?

And when you say you slowed down for the Charger, did you also move over to let him by or did you slow down within your own lane?

Would you mind telling us what road you were on? Was this a big highway with multiple lanes, a two lane, back road, etc.?
There's only 2 lane roads in and out of my town, nearest interstate is over 100mi away. Just so you get it right this area where I live is almost desolate as far as population goes, you are taking way more chances in one week just riding around than I will end up taking all year here. Soo do you move over and slow down there when traffic is moving at 85? And if I want to go as 125 here it's not that hard to do without another vehicle being around. So getting away from a tailgater is not a bad thing.
and don't blow smoke up my arse and say you've never done something similar

Quite true... I don't do it anymore and I think it is a really bad idea but when I first got it three years ago I got her up to 120 on the JB Bridge. Just a quick up to 120 and then back down to legal. Amazing how quickly even a 600 can reach these speeds. I don't really care for fast riding though, give me a twisty road and maybe 10 over the speed limit and I am happy. All I thought of when I was over 100 was please no police and to my credit there was nothing around when I did it. I agree that is a bad move but I would say almost everyone has tried it at least once. Now that you know it will, you can enjoy some twisty 50's instead of straight 100's .
Quite true... I don't do it anymore and I think it is a really bad idea but when I first got it three years ago I got her up to 120 on the JB Bridge. Just a quick up to 120 and then back down to legal. Amazing how quickly even a 600 can reach these speeds. I don't really care for fast riding though, give me a twisty road and maybe 10 over the speed limit and I am happy. All I thought of when I was over 100 was please no police and to my credit there was nothing around when I did it. I agree that is a bad move but I would say almost everyone has tried it at least once. Now that you know it will, you can enjoy some twisty 50's instead of straight 100's .

That is how I normally prefer to ride, but as I said I did have a reason for that pace I set at the time, as for the Dodge, I really don't know why he thought he needed to stay on my a$$ , he had plenty of opportunity to pass. But meh it is still fun to let her run now and again, but twisties are preferred.
There's only 2 lane roads in and out of my town, nearest interstate is over 100mi away. Just so you get it right this area where I live is almost desolate as far as population goes, you are taking way more chances in one week just riding around than I will end up taking all year here. Soo do you move over and slow down there when traffic is moving at 85? And if I want to go as 125 here it's not that hard to do without another vehicle being around. So getting away from a tailgater is not a bad thing.

Only you can decide if a road is "safe" to be doing these things and I'll take your word for it. Just keep in mind that posting things like this on this forum is bound to get you some negative responses as most of us do not condone this kind of riding on public roads. I hear ya that there isn't a track near by and thus not a good outlet for the need for speed. Just be careful out there.
Well done. Never back down. Don't let anyone dictate how you ride and never let a cager bully you. :thumbup:
That is how I normally prefer to ride, but as I said I did have a reason for that pace I set at the time, as for the Dodge, I really don't know why he thought he needed to stay on my a$$ , he had plenty of opportunity to pass. But meh it is still fun to let her run now and again, but twisties are preferred.

I think there might be an option in a situation like that to get off the road to a side rd or pull out to establish intention of the tailgater. If safe then continue on your way. Yeah we all sometimes push it. :rolleyes:
Think of it this way: If this person has a problem with you, (and let's face it there are nutters out here) and you go down you could be defenseless. Establishing intent of someone making you nervous would be more prudent. Then if the situation warrants it, use your skills and technology. Also keep in mind that over a 100MPH in many states is an arrest and you should be prepared to deal with what comes with that. :eek: This is where fighting for what you really believe in is important!!!:eek::eek::eek:
The Charger on your butt will not mean anything to the LEO especially if you've been observed for a while and in fact things might get worse.

:D Word Up! My Home Biscuits!! :BLAA:
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... I agree that is a bad move but I would say almost everyone has tried it at least once. ...

i guess you're safe with the almost. i have no need or desire to go that fast. fastest i've been is a smidge over 90 per my speedometer. it was i-95 in nc... the speed limit was 70... most go 80... i was passing an 18 wheeler and made the decision to get by as fast as i could.

Well done. Never back down. Don't let anyone dictate how you ride and never let a cager bully you. :thumbup:

you're right. 'cause he said he wanted to go 125 and he wasn't going to let a stinkin' car get in his way. good thing he didn't let the driver of that car dictate how he road that day. :rolleyes:
That is how I normally prefer to ride, but as I said I did have a reason for that pace I set at the time, as for the Dodge, I really don't know why he thought he needed to stay on my a$$ , he had plenty of opportunity to pass. But meh it is still fun to let her run now and again, but twisties are preferred.

I hate people like that, will ride your arse all day but when theres a chance to pass they don't have the balls or seem to think being right up your arse is the ok norm thing to do....
I hate people like that, will ride your arse all day but when theres a chance to pass they don't have the balls or seem to think being right up your arse is the ok norm thing to do....

I agree with this whole heartedly. In my opinion, the best thing to do is move over and frankly slow down so they basically have to pass you. No sense in keeping a cage that close to your back tire if you can avoid it.
I agree with this whole heartedly. In my opinion, the best thing to do is move over and frankly slow down so they basically have to pass you. No sense in keeping a cage that close to your back tire if you can avoid it.

The problem with riding very steady and true is that you get these sorts of clowns crawling into your space......

The easiest way to get them to back off, is to start to ride in an unsteady manner. Weave, mildly. Don't stay at exactly the same speed. Wobble. Look like you're trying to pick your nose. Shift your weight, and let the bike change tracks.

You automatically distance yourself from drivers that are inattentive. Use that against other drivers who have the same habits. Ride like a robot, and they'll abuse your spacing. Ride like a newbie, and they will back off for fear of you scratching up their bumper when they run you over. :Flip:
The FZ6 is an amazingly well rounded bike, we all know this. She can hit the twisties, the track, or tour for hundreds of miles( upgraded seat :) ). She has the heart of a super-sport in the hot girl next door body. She will do well over 125mph if you want her to. The smarter you ride, the more likely you are to be able to enjoy her and your health for years to come.

The only person that knows what the smartest, best course of action to take that day, in that situation is you. Do you think that what you did was your best option? If this was somebody you love doing this in this situation would you be ok with them handling it the same way? Remember there are people out there that love you and will be effected by your decisions.

As far as pushing the limits go, we have all done it. If not on your motorcycle then in some other part of your life. I have found going to that limit and realizing I was lucky to come back from it has helped me mature. I no longer feel the need to be the fastest thing on the road, but it was going fast and thinking about it after that made me realize that it was probably not smart.

One last thing for you to think about. Some of these guys are getting in your $h!t about the speed thing, they are just doing it cause they don't want to see you get hurt. 125mph does not give you a lot of time to react. People sometimes get seriously injured and killed riding on tracks, and that is a controlled setting.

Stay Safe
The problem with riding very steady and true is that you get these sorts of clowns crawling into your space......

The easiest way to get them to back off, is to start to ride in an unsteady manner. Weave, mildly. Don't stay at exactly the same speed. Wobble. Look like you're trying to pick your nose. Shift your weight, and let the bike change tracks.

You automatically distance yourself from drivers that are inattentive. Use that against other drivers who have the same habits. Ride like a robot, and they'll abuse your spacing. Ride like a newbie, and they will back off for fear of you scratching up their bumper when they run you over. :Flip:

^Right there! I usually just weave back and forth as if I'm warming up my tires or something(plus it's fun), and 90% of the time, the tailgater backs way off. Heck, even moving around on the bike scares most people off.

Keep in mind, there are bullies out there that just tailgate everyone in front of them. I see it once in a while on the freeway portion of my commute, where I move over, and the tailgater just races off and immediately starts tail humping the next vehicle, despite there being multiple openings for them to just race off into the distance. I'll then observe them just go from car to car, tailgating every single one. Oddly, once they're alone, they slow way down! :spank:
The problem with riding very steady and true is that you get these sorts of clowns crawling into your space......

The easiest way to get them to back off, is to start to ride in an unsteady manner. Weave, mildly. Don't stay at exactly the same speed. Wobble. Look like you're trying to pick your nose. Shift your weight, and let the bike change tracks.

You automatically distance yourself from drivers that are inattentive. Use that against other drivers who have the same habits. Ride like a robot, and they'll abuse your spacing. Ride like a newbie, and they will back off for fear of you scratching up their bumper when they run you over. :Flip:

When I'm riding longer distances, I often stand up on the pegs to stretch my legs out for 10-20 seconds. I'll usually shake my knees back and forth a few times to get my riding pants to slide back down to their natural position. I've noticed that when I sit back down and look in the mirror, the vehicle behind me is always much smaller. I don't know if they're worried I'm going to fall, or if they think I'm going to pop a wheelie, but they always slow up. That's not why I do it, but it's a nice side effect.
Hate to break it to ya slick, but that Charger could have eaten you alive if he wanted to.

It would certainly be close...I think they have about the same top speed. HOWEVER, going 140 on a motorcycle is a lot easier than on a car. I mean handling and all.
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