FZ6:1 dodge charger:0

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You're my kind of guy, we think the same bro. Let's go for a ride. I also ride triple digits most of time. It's just too fun! Highest I got up to was 123 indicated. Only had to stop because stupid cagers in front of me, not because I'm afraid. You best believe I'm going to break that record. I'm going to bring a gps with me, just to verify speed. Will update.


Thanks man! Yes we do think the same.
Doing 140-150 on the interstate does not make you a "speed demon," it makes you an idiot. I thought my post was clear. Venture off the highway to some more challenging roads and you will quickly learn what separates you from that "hypocrite" on the R6 and the rest of the actual speed demons. I'm not worried about you giving me a bad name, I'm annoyed you're giving US ALL a bad name. 99.5% of the motoring public cannot identify an FZ6 sitting still, let alone at 140MPH. Any sporty looking motorcycle is lumped into the "crotch rocket" group and that's as far as they'll differentiate us from the Harley crowd. Do whatever you want. Hopefully you'll live long enough to lecture a squid someday.

I think I should just lecture YOU AND the r6 guy on riding. It seems both of you bought your bikes as an afterthought and not because you're true enthusiasts. He could not keep up with me in the corners and I bet neither would you since you think that riding aggressively is stupid.
I think the only "idiot" here is someone who doesn't know the limits of their machine... oh wait thats you :Flip:
Thanks man! Yes we do think the same.

I think I should just lecture YOU AND the r6 guy on riding. It seems both of you bought your bikes as an afterthought and not because you're true enthusiasts. He could not keep up with me in the corners and I bet neither would you since you think that riding aggressively is stupid.
I think the only "idiot" here is someone who doesn't know the limits of their machine... oh wait thats you :Flip:

I really think the theme here is we don't condone illegal activity nor the support of it or unsafe riding. It's not so much denying we never take chances. The very best riders I know never ever say they are great riders or what top speed they do. They just smile a lot and I know they are great riders when I see them ride. They don't have to prove anything. It's not about who can spank who. It's not about berating someone because they won't ride aggressively in the conditions you will. It's about riding.

Just so you understand: The basic policy here on the forum is to promote safe legal activities. I believe we can have stimulating intelligent, controversial discussions without some one getting an eye poked out :eek:

Remember some riders are more advanced and should give solid advice to those that are still gaining experience and sometimes you can do that in the most humble way as the best riders I know, by example. :rockon:
I'll toss this one out there as i just read the dam thing a month or so ago.... Motorcycle driver's manual says (common sense should also tell you this) to deal with tailgater's to move over and let them pass, or if that isnt an option actually slow down, while the arse behind you is still up your ass, you both have more time to react in case of emergency -----BEING FOLLOWED

Speeding up to lose someone following too closely only ends up with someone tailgating you at a higher speed.

A better way to handle tailgaters is to get them in front of you. When someone is following too closely, change lanes and let them pass. If you cannot do this, slow down and open up extra space ahead of you to allow room for both you and the tailgater to stop. This will also encourage them to pass. If they do not pass, you will have given yourself and the tailgater more time and space to react in case an emergency does develop ahead.

NYS DMV - Motorcycle Manual - Ride Within Your Abilities
I think I should just lecture YOU AND the r6 guy on riding. It seems both of you bought your bikes as an afterthought and not because you're true enthusiasts. He could not keep up with me in the corners and I bet neither would you since you think that riding aggressively is stupid.
I think the only "idiot" here is someone who doesn't know the limits of their machine... oh wait thats you :Flip:

If i'm going 70 mph and your going 140+ pass me, and you hit a lamp post, do you still win??
I was in a similar situation, except I had an F-350 Dually 4x4 who came up on me like I was standing still (I was about 65-70MPH on a long strech with no traffic about 2:15am) and stayed on me so close I could count the bugs in his grille. Me being a new rider this scared the crap outta me, I was afraid to slow down in case he just drove over me. and I tried to speed up but he just kept on me. No where to get safely off the road, and no one else around to help if I did get hurt. finally after keepong 90+MPH for 8 miles with an F-350 breathing my exhaust, he turned down another road. I pulled over hands shaking, wondering if I could make it the rest of the way home. It really did scare me bad. When my nerves finally came back to me, I spotted a patrol car and flagged him down. Told him what had just happened, Truck was probably long gone by then but IDK what I'd do if I met up with him again...
I was in a similar situation, except I had an F-350 Dually 4x4 who came up on me like I was standing still (I was about 65-70MPH on a long strech with no traffic about 2:15am) and stayed on me so close I could count the bugs in his grille. Me being a new rider this scared the crap outta me, I was afraid to slow down in case he just drove over me. and I tried to speed up but he just kept on me. No where to get safely off the road, and no one else around to help if I did get hurt. finally after keepong 90+MPH for 8 miles with an F-350 breathing my exhaust, he turned down another road. I pulled over hands shaking, wondering if I could make it the rest of the way home. It really did scare me bad. When my nerves finally came back to me, I spotted a patrol car and flagged him down. Told him what had just happened, Truck was probably long gone by then but IDK what I'd do if I met up with him again...

FZ6: 0 F-350: 1
Also the cop could have given you a speeding ticket, considering you told him you were going 90+ mph. Don't give a cager the satisfaction! You're on a motorcycle for god sake! You could have easily blown him away. You were a newbie, so you're excused. But you know what to do next time.
FZ6: 0 F-350: 1
Also the cop could have given you a speeding ticket, considering you told him you were going 90+ mph. Don't give a cager the satisfaction! You're on a motorcycle for god sake! You could have easily blown him away. You were a newbie, so you're excused. But you know what to do next time.

Well unless he has PROOF He has nothing, but I didnt tell him how fast I was going, just that he was on my ass the whole road, and I know guys with the same style truck he had that can keep up with a few bike in town. Diesels are Kings in my town and theyre used for racing.

But that is a topic on another forum site!!! :rockon:
I think its not just Chargers but kinda of a overall Dodge thing. Not saying if you own a dodge you are this type of person, I owned one just a few years ago. But if you notice the dodge commercials they play to a certain type of individual. In our area a Dodge Ram jacked up with overly wide tires, bad boy sticker and chrome balls hanging off the hitch is the one to look out for. They buy these trucks and the only thing they ever haul in them is ass. That describes a great number of people in this county. :(

Funny thing is everyone will point at the motorcycle going down the hwy at high speeds but little is said about these mini tanks roaming around at 80+mph. The potential damage is much greater but its more acceptable for some reason.

HEY! I resemble that remark. But not jacked up, no bad boy sticker or hitch balls


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Well unless he has PROOF He has nothing, but I didnt tell him how fast I was going, just that he was on my ass the whole road, and I know guys with the same style truck he had that can keep up with a few bike in town. Diesels are Kings in my town and theyre used for racing.

But that is a topic on another forum site!!! :rockon:

I can run faster than a diesel truck :spank: Kidding aside imo, (at least around here) farm boys buy big diesel trucks, make them as loud as possible and drive thru town thinking their cool, imo they are the harleys of the 4 wheel world, lotta noise not alot of go :thumbup: next time turn around discretely follow them home, see where they live, come back at midnight and slash some tires! lol jk but yeah it's definitely a different situation on a bike, like previously stated, best thing to do is pull over if possible... they should make a tail camera on a bike that judges distance with an on/off button up by your handlebars that you can press when somebody is up ur arse, gets the license plate, distance and date etc and just give the cops the tape, maybe we'd end up with a few less asshats on the road endangering peoples lives...(wishful thinking, i know)

P.S. if you're a diesel fan don't respond back giving me crap about how diesels can be fast....you can make a tricycle "fast" if you want to, also don't make me out to be a diesel hater, i owned one but actually used it like a truck should be used...hauling motorcycles! :thumbup:

P.S. if you're a diesel fan don't respond back giving me crap about how diesels can be fast....you can make a tricycle "fast" if you want to, also don't make me out to be a diesel hater, i owned one but actually used it like a truck should be used...hauling motorcycles! :thumbup:

Euhm My bmw diesel is faster then my fz6 but not when accelerating :steve:
P.S. if you're a diesel fan don't respond back giving me crap about how diesels can be fast....you can make a tricycle "fast" if you want to, also don't make me out to be a diesel hater, i owned one but actually used it like a truck should be used...hauling motorcycles! :thumbup:

yeah i am a diesel fan, owned 2 of them, only sported the Dodge out though, 2500 24 valve 2001... wow, definatly not as fast as a bike with the trottle cracked all the way back, but wow what a tourque machine! but like u said, I used it for its purpose, to haul things... not ass (well mabe a little)
yeah i am a diesel fan, owned 2 of them, only sported the Dodge out though, 2500 24 valve 2001... wow, definatly not as fast as a bike with the trottle cracked all the way back, but wow what a tourque machine! but like u said, I used it for its purpose, to haul things... not ass (well mabe a little)

We'll who doesn't every now and again :thumbup:
I do. I have refrained from responding to this as I agree that running ludicrous speeds on public roads is wrong and bad.... but that isn't to say I don't occasionally do it. In fact, I hit triple digits every day I take the interstate to work (on the 1/2 mile long straight off ramp and only when it is empty). It isn't right, IS dumb and is risky. But it is kind fun to come off the 45 degree right hander onto the straight high in the revs in second and pretend you are coming down the front straight of a GP circuit then have to brake for turn one.

motogiro said it best when he said
I really think the theme here is we don't condone illegal activity nor the support of it or unsafe riding. It's not so much denying we never take chances. The very best riders I know never ever say they are great riders or what top speed they do. They just smile a lot and I know they are great riders when I see them ride. They don't have to prove anything. It's not about who can spank who. It's not about berating someone because they won't ride aggressively in the conditions you will. It's about riding.
HEY! I resemble that remark. But not jacked up, no bad boy sticker or hitch balls

LOL! Looks good. One of those vehicles that the Factory did correctly and needs little or no modification. Vehicles I prefer to leave factory for the most part, the motorcycle however is a different story.
God this has gone to far. There are enough comments about smart, legal, safe riding, and enough comments about stupid, dangerous, I am gunna kill myself or somebody else riding.

People please quit arguing with TCmalker and his butt buddies. It is not smart to argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. My grandfather always use to say that when you argue with a fool nobody watching can tell who the fool is.

Please somebody anybody lock this thread so that we can get back to constructive threads like, are TCmalkers accidents his own fault?:Flip:
God this has gone to far. There are enough comments about smart, legal, safe riding, and enough comments about stupid, dangerous, I am gunna kill myself or somebody else riding.

People please quit arguing with TCmalker and his butt buddies. It is not smart to argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. My grandfather always use to say that when you argue with a fool nobody watching can tell who the fool is.

Please somebody anybody lock this thread so that we can get back to constructive threads like, are TCmalkers accidents his own fault?:Flip:

Hey, I thought you and tcmalker were friends. Not cool. Anyway, since you mentioned it. Tcmalker's first accident on video is about to be released. Stay tuned, then you can decide who fault it is.
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