FZ1 Third Wheel?

Oh man I thought it was going to be a trike...although this is ugly it could have been a lot worse
It's the only safe way to carry children on a motorcycle. It's probably also the only way I'd ever get my wife on one. Either one would be a big advantage - it would convert mototcycling from a solo activity (for which it's already hard to carve time) to something that I could incorporate into more aspect of my life. I've ridden in a sidecar before - it was damned fun! The author of Proficient Motorcycling is a big fan of sidecars.
It's the only safe way to carry children on a motorcycle. .

You should have added "In my opinion" because there are thousands upon thousands of riders who have carried their children, very safely on their bikes.

It is my view that everyone should be able to ride whatever they want seeing as they are paying for it. "In my opinion"..someone had too much to spend on this project. A sidecar on a sportsbike ??????
