FS: Buell headlight, flyscreen, fork mounts, mirrors, everything to go naked

Tempting, I ride a lot at night in my commute. How are those lights? Sounds like a good deal. Where did you mount your blinkers. Also got anymore pics of the bike with the set up?
Tempting, I ride a lot at night in my commute. How are those lights? Sounds like a good deal. Where did you mount your blinkers. Also got anymore pics of the bike with the set up?

I never rode with them in the dark. I've read that they are good though.

Never got round to mounting signals. Only rode once or twice with this setup. You could mount them to the fork brackets - they're slotted, would need some with a threaded stalk though. Another way would be to mount them to the forks with fork mount brackets. The only other way I can think of, off the top of my head is using the fairing brackets on the frame, just under the tank.

Heres some pics of other peoples bikes with this setup.
Just wanted to give a bump to this thread and tell you all that he is a good guy to buy from :thumbup: and also give you the sad new that Rizoma Zero 11s are no longer available (unless he has more) as they just arrived at my house. :D