Foot pegs

Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

15 hours? wow, they look great! alot better than the stock rubber... it wasn't 15 hours for just one, was it?
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

15 hours? wow, they look great! alot better than the stock rubber... it wasn't 15 hours for just one, was it?

no both, it took along time to desing them, wanted the best grip i could get, and to help all of those fz6 riders that want better foot pegs than stock, since no companys make them for our bikes.
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

Looks good.
Could you put a stock footpeg in for size reference?

I'm still interested, just waiting to hear final pricing, etc.
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

Looks good.
Could you put a stock footpeg in for size reference?

I'm still interested, just waiting to hear final pricing, etc.

the are the same size as stock, i will put a pic up tomarrow i just put them on my bike. looks and feels nice.
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

well they look great, i might be interested in getting a set, awesome job
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

Hey Irish, those are very nice, well done! :thumbup:

Did you happen to model the off an existing peg or did you develop this yourself?

I really like these however I am probably going to get a set of rearsets.
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

Those look pretty good. What kind of coating have you applied to them?

they are milled from solid 6062 alum. i made them the same size as the stock pegs they fit perfict. i have to sell them for $60.00us the materals cost went up on alum. i only make $10.00us off of each set, witch is cheep, because they are not easy to do, takes some good time. i am thinking of making shift levers and back brak pedals to. i want us fz6 riders to have some nice parts, since no one makes anything for our bikes:confused: but for now i will stick to the foot pegs.:thumbup:
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

Those turned out great man. They make my boots cry looking at them but I imagine they're far better than the slippery when wet rubber stockers. Course the vibrations will be worse but what can you do. Now if only someone could figure out a diffinative way to setup the shift lever for oso2k's setback plates I'd be all over these. Actually I'll probably buy a set anyway they are too sexy.

I look forward to seeing your levers! Pazzo's and the like are blown out expensive.
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Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

They look great, they look like the type of pegs you get when you buy a set of trick after-market rearsets...good job.

Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

Are you taking orders now? How do you want to handle payment? At this price, I'll buy a pair, nice work.

i would like to do payment threw paypale, i would be the fastest and safest. pm me you info and let me know if you want to fronts or backs?
Re: new foot pegs pics that i made for my bike

They look great. I will be buying some in the future. I would give em' a go right now but I just got married so my bank account needs a little recovery time.