Following Up For a Job


Junior Member
May 9, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
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I used to call or email follow ups when I would submit an application or resume. But today it seems as if all the places I am applying are online. It sucks because I cant do a follow up or anything on it. I would rather hear a no you didnt get it than nothing at all. Alot of times when I would follow up I would get responses on how to improve my chances "next time"

just a short rant about this technical world hahah...
you can't call the company and talk to human resources to double check receipt of your resume?

Nope, in fact it is the kiss of death these days. If you apply online many web sites will send a confirmation email. Within that email you are give a window of time in which they will keep your resume active, say 45 to 90 days, etc. You are also typically instructed NOT to call, email, write a letter, send a carrier pigeon, etc. asking about your status. So after 45 days and you've not heard, well you didn't get the job.
Been through that so much it is very frustrating. You hit that Apply Now so many times and hear nothing back. A lot of these positions are also through recruiting agencies so I also feel like it's their way of getting your information. I had a very tough time getting my first job out of college and my first job was actually through a recruiter. Definitely a big Good Luck though it's very tough, looking for a job is a full time job in itself.
It depends on company policy. I know when I interview anyone our HR policy is that although I choose who gets the job I can't inform them, nor can I inform the ones who never got the job. It's so that HR can protect the Organisation.

One guy did once track down my email address to find out why he never got the post. All I could do was email him back telling him to contact HR, who no doubt didn't give him any feedback whatsoever.

So much as I may sympathise, you may find some company policies do not allow contact post interview. This would be to save anyone taking action if they thought that the interviewers decision was incorrect.

Saves costly legal action from people who don't get the job they think they should have. Quite why anyone would attempt to take action to try force someone to employ them is beyond me anyway :confused: