First track day. DO IT!!!!!


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2013
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Tasmania, Australia.
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Oh My God.... today was awesome. I attended my first "ride day" at Baskerville Raceway, in Hobart, Tasmania.

The weather was perfect, with beautiful sunshine and a light afternoon wind.

My friend (1999 R1) and i (2004 FZ6S) attended not knowing what to expect, but we were welcomed with friendly faces, lots of tips and advice and a chance to open up the bikes and test both them, and ourselves.

I stayed in the novice group all day (5 sessions) as there was no speed limit enforced, and in the next group up (intermediate) there were about 30 riders, all trying to be casey stonors, on P plates.

Majority of the track was spent in 3rd or 4th gear, occasionaly getting the chance to briefly click into fifth on the main straight, but quickly braking and looking for 4th and 3rd again, but really getting the chance to hold the FZ in the higher RPM range and test my nerve and skills.

I didn`t even get the chance to look at the speedo, as i was so focussed on picking the best line, holding speed through the corners, and maintaining awareness of other riders both in front and behind me, but probably close to 180 - 190km p/hr as a top speed.

after a few sessions, the confidence really rises, and a better understanding of the nuances of the track meant i started pushing the ol` girl a bit harder.

I did find on really leaning her over, the pegs would scrape, and i did remove those little peg spacer things, but i grated a bit of my steel cap boot off, and was a little weary of gassing it too much after this, (rear sets next mod?), as it kinda bounced me off my line on the apex of the corner.

I also totally muffed one corner and came in too hot to commit to the turn, so, hard on the brakes and straightening out, but making sure not to turn at all once on the grass, before washing off some speed, re-joing the track, a little disappointed and embarassed, but thats what these days are about i guess, learning and riding in a safe and controlled environment.

I did see 2 guys during the course of the day, come off their bikes, and this is something i was fully determined not to do, but once you get out there, all thoughts of taking it easy and just cruising disappear and all i wanted to do was hold a bit more speed through the esses, or re-take my position in front of that ducati after muffing it at the end of the straight..

Also, don`t let those old guys fool you!!!! Age is no barrier here and i was cleaned up buy a few old guys on vintage 2-strokes and a cheeky wink of the eye.

completely knackered after 5, 20 minute sessions!!!!

The concentration involved is pretty staggering, and the hour long ride home was a little faster than usual, but I can`t recommend enough for people to get to their local track, join the rider club, and have a good crack. The Fz6 can certainly hold its own!!! YIEW!!!

Definately will be back again next month, but better start saving for those rear tyres. The Power Pure stuck like glue, but i left half of it on the asphalt i reckon.

Get amongst it my friends...:thumbup:
I actually have my first track day on monday, I've been to busy with getting the bike ready to be nervous about it. Just plan to go in with a clear head and have fun. Great pix, thanks for sharing!
My first track day was on my FZ6 and it's an absolute beast loved it soo much!

Great reading your story man, reminded me of such thrills which I have not so often now (darn kids!)

Sounds awesome. My first track on the FZ6 I overcooked a corner and went into some wet grass too, no steering and no breaking until I felt some traction!

I would also say that you shouldn't focus on your mirrors and riders behind you, it's their responsibility to safely pass you without causing you distress. I always tuck my mirrors in so I can't see behind me.
also you might want to take the centre stand and side stand off if you fit rearsets

I found my sidestand was in danger of dragging, bumping the preload up can help with clearance too.
Very good summary of what a first timer can expect, matches my experience almost exactly. I dragged a toe too and was told I needed to plant my toes on the peg rather than my heel as we usually do. I never dragged a toe again but I did have to get R6 pegs as the stock rubber ones aren't grippy enough for that kind of riding. The mod didn't hurt the day-to-day rideability of the bike either.
And yeah, you should completely ignore whatever's behind you. Ride predictably and make passing the other guy's problem.
i`d been told to fold back the mirrors, but i forgot, and as far as the pegs go, gotta get those toes on `em, not the heels ay? i couldn`t believe the speed you could hold though the corners once you really started trusting the tyres. Also, you sure know it if you get your line right and accelerate through the apex properly coming onto the straight, passing riders with larger capacity bikes than yours is a nice feeling... coming onto those brakes at the end of the straight thouugh can be a test of your nerves. thanks for the replys and imputs. i`m thinking of buying a cheaper bike specifically for the track now, cos if i lay down the FZ, my 5K$ pride and joy is no more... man.. i`m still running on stoke juice this morning... it was so much fun.
Nice! I always wanted to do a track day, but I'm a little skeptical of the huge cost involved. My buds who have done the track days in the past, have always posted pictures after with their decked out impressive race suits and 1 pieces, where as I just have a little riding jacket VikingCycle Dynasty Motorcycle Jacket for Men | Motorcycle House . I'm not too sure if I should take the plunge. That and my bike is my pride and joy, I am not sure if I can deal with myself laying er down..
Nice! I always wanted to do a track day, but I'm a little skeptical of the huge cost involved. My buds who have done the track days in the past, have always posted pictures after with their decked out impressive race suits and 1 pieces, where as I just have a little riding jacket. I'm not too sure if I should take the plunge. That and my bike is my pride and joy, I am not sure if I can deal with myself laying er down..

The cost for my first day was $85 AUS. As i was a first timer, they waive the track fee ($60), so i had to join the club, and pay for a one day licence ($25 or $125 annually). Not too shabby!! sure, there were leather suits and flash gear about, but many 1st timers like me were on hand in their daily ride gear. If i were you i would def. purchase at least some Kevlar lined jeans (E-Bay approx $100) to save your ass. As for laying your bike down... Hmmm... tough one. No one wants that to happen. I`m heading out this afternoon to look at buying a $2K Triumph 600TT 2000 model, just to wring its neck around the track and to save the FZ for the road. Ilearnt alot about my bikes capabilitys, and certainly left the day feeling like i had picked up some more confidence in the machine and a few extra skills. I definitely recommend having a crack at it.:thumbup:
GSX-R 750 TRACK DAY BIKE... I paid $2900 with 6 months rego, 40,000kms and a heap of spares. could use some new back rubber but. I like the Fz6s too much to punish it around the race track and probably, inevitably, drop it.... two very different bikes tho... fz6, much more comfortable.. gsx-r a truck load more grunt (134hp).... :rockon:
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Hey Octonaut.

For the last year or so I have been riding a GSXR1000 at the Baskerville ride days, and having a ball. Anyway a couple of months ago I swapped a trail bike for an FZ6. I took it out to the November ride day, as well as the GSXR. I rode the FZ6 all day, and didn't even get the GSXR out onto the track. I think I will sell the GSXR, the Fazer is so much more fun to ride out there. May catch up with you out there one day.
Can't wait to do my first track day next year. There's too many nice rides and roads around victoria not to do it. With a few more skills I'll get to enjoy the twistys even more :)
Nice! I always wanted to do a track day, but I'm a little skeptical of the huge cost involved. My buds who have done the track days in the past, have always posted pictures after with their decked out impressive race suits and 1 pieces, where as I just have a little riding jacket VikingCycle Dynasty Motorcycle Jacket for Men | Motorcycle House . I'm not too sure if I should take the plunge. That and my bike is my pride and joy, I am not sure if I can deal with myself laying er down..

Leather is leather.

Buy a super cheap suit. It may look a bit less trim and such, but in the end it will still fit pretty well usually and most'll get you out there!

And just because it's a race track doesn't mean you need to go balls to the wall. Enjoy and explore your riding being able to focus on it properly.
Leather is leather.

Buy a super cheap suit. It may look a bit less trim and such, but in the end it will still fit pretty well usually and most'll get you out there!

And just because it's a race track doesn't mean you need to go balls to the wall. Enjoy and explore your riding being able to focus on it properly.

All organizations in the States rent leathers for the day for ~$75. Sure it's an extra expense, but it's cheaper than buying a suit just to try track one time (of course chances are if you do try it you WILL want to do it again!)