First time push starting the bike today

Left my key on today while chatting with the new neighbors and had to do it again. Grrrr lol. And exiting the highway I saw a guy with a Gsxr on the shoulder so I stopped and helped him push start his haha. At least bikes are easier than pushing my old truck back out of the driveway and then having to push it on my flat street with enough speed to start it hahahaha
You should have a backup battery on there to help support your bad habit that will be able to disconnect from the main circuit unless you choose to use it. :D
I once bump started my buddies 1987 virago 750 for him while he was still new to riding. This was in the sticks, where there is no pavement. Our only option was our friends steep downhill front yard. It took 4 or 5 tries pushing it back up the hill, after locking the rear up and getting a few turns of the engine, I finally got it. Compression starting on a grassy hill on an old was definitely a challenge...especially considering it wasnt my bike, but it was a good experience to have been through.
Seriously? Good job your phone battery was in better condition than the bike's. Key on second gear clutch in push pop clutch bounce on seat job done.

Nailed the final ingredient - the Seat Pounce!!!

Ridding carb'd dirtbikes (kick start days) you figure out the clutch drop/pounce on the seat combo quick out of necessity. Too often there is no traction so the pounce gives it bite long enough "zing" the engine over. << the added trick is to bump the clutch in, not just release it, so there is less tendency towards locking the rear completely and dumping the bike.