First Annual Deals Gap FZ6RC Meet 2008

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No I am wrong.
The Point would be the better choice.
6 Double beds with a queen size sleeper sofa. It will fit more people.
Thats what I was looking at Mike.
6 double beds that could sleep two each plus a queen fold out sleeper, plus Ron said he would give us a couple rollaways.

Or 7 singles and no fold out couch but a bigger garage.

The Points driveway sucks monkey balls though. It is a very very steep with a 160 degree turn at the top into or out of the garage.

The Ridge has a much better garage, but it is the most expensive.
Receipt for Mike
$96.30 to the good
$3.70 paypal fee.

I have recieved payments from AntMB and Mikenbern
I will call Ron tomorrow.

I have some major issues going on with two seperate things, plus business.
Trins mom just let some lady I have no idea who take Trinity to see Saw 4 (Trin is 5)
Other issue.
I am a member of a board of directors for a club. We have 21000 in C.D.s the guy that has the ability to cash the CDS is on drugs. So we have to fix that and its not going to be easy, if it can be fixed.
Man that sucks! No rush, just was wondering. It makes no difference to me. handle your personal stuff, and when time allows make the call. Let me know if I can help in any way.
ok all, just to let you know what me and WRIGHTME are looking foward to. I have call SUPER SREET BIKE and SPORT RIDER magazine, also YAMAHA, DYSANI water COKE (ok no laughing) about the upcomeing 08 FZ6RC. So far they want a little more details about the date, where, how many bikes etc..
So i'm hopeing that they would be interested.
i have been trying to get in touch with RED BULL, but can't seem to contact them. If anyone can think of something or have any idea's fell free to ppost them.
You're trying to get ahold of them for what? Coverage of this? I'm not one o glorify meeting a bunch of friends, but if you guys are up for it then ok. When it all boils down I think we will be looking at 8 bikes there. Will a magazine cover that? Will Coke sponsor it?
i read the magazine's and they went to the R6/R1 RC this year, and thats where i got the idea. I read the article saying "these guys(and gals) talk on the forum's all the time and it's nice to finally put faces to the screen names". They had the same vendor's there, and the main reason i guess for me at least is, to try and bring different riders from different states together all with one thing in common.......YAMAHA MOTORCYCLES. So its not to glorify, big deals but it would be nice to see a bunch of people together nd have a good weekend.
By the way My speeling S U C K S.:Sport:
I doubt the major corps will be too interested, but then again you never know. Sometimes people just say yes when you ask. LOL
Heck if redbull and coke both send us a few free 12 packs that would be great. If they sponsor us for part of the cost thats great. If they tell us all to die in a fire we are out nothing. Who knows? You never know if you dont ask. Worst they can say is no, and the best would be here is $500 bucks, now put these here Redbull decals on your bikes. LOL
Ok I might have came across as dickheadish in that post. I didn't meant it that way, was just wondering what you hoped to achieve from it.
no ant, come-on u never came accross like that to me. I guess i am getting to crazy, but when something i love (rideing my bike) i tend to do things to the best. So maybe im getting a little crazy, what do i want to get out of this RC is all of us to have fun, good times, ****s and giggles, and maybe some good pic's in a magazine of us together haveing a good time.
Receipt for Mike
$96.30 to the good
$3.70 paypal fee.

I have recieved payments from AntMB and Mikenbern

Reciept for Dark_Isz
$96.80 to the good
$3.20 paypal fee.

That is payments from
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