Final Curtain call ! We knew this was coming...


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Jan 20, 2008
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Fort Worth, TX
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Well we all probably knew this was coming with the poor economy and all the budget cuts and model reductions we have seen with all the manufacturers.
I just got through reading the sport bike model lineup listed in the Jan issue of Sport Rider magazine and Yamaha has listed the FZ6 as a discontinued model for the year 2010 also discontinued are the FJR1300AE and the R6S models from the Yamaha lineup.

I never thought that it would sadden me so much to hear this even though we all have all discussed the probability of this happening someday. I guess I may just have to be glad I have the pleasure of owning one of these fine motorcycles and enjoy every bit of time I have left with my FZ6.
yeah that sucks....when things bounce back I believe we'll see some of these
bikes return in similar formats, may have new names, but I think they'll be back
Over the last 3 months this has become obvious. This blow may have not been so discouraging if I tought that the FZ8 would be sold here in the US. I find it frustrating that most of bikes I would seriously consider buying are not offered in the states. The plus is that we were fortunate enough to have purchased this great bike, the negatives may be the cost and additional effort to find parts as the years pass:(.
It's not that surprising that most companies are cutting down on the variation that they offer, they're all trying to make savings. Not good for those who like choice though.

I am surprised that they're still selling in Europe (whether that covers the UK is another thing...) and not offering to the US though. It can either be taken as a sign that they don't sell enough in the US, that the models don't meet US emmissions regulations, or maybe that they're dumping what's left on Europe as they wind the models down.

As for the spare situation, isn't there some regulation that they must ensure that enough spares exists for around 10 years after production has ended?
I know the spare parts requirement is true for automobiles. They need to cover the duration of typical warranties (and extended) which may be 10 years. Not sure if it applies to bikes.
Awhile back we booted all the FZ-6R guys over to their own forum; as our numbers dwindle I can foresee we'll soon be begging them for our own section... on their forum. :rolleyes:
I find it frustrating that most of bikes I would seriously consider buying are not offered in the states.

I also find this to be frustrating; I'm sure others do too. I have a couple of vague, completely unscientific reasons in mind.

First, the price of gas in Europe has been WAY higher than in the USA for decades, so smaller, fuel efficient vehicles have been a more reasonable option in Europe for awhile.

Also, the USA is wide open and vast, hence the billion WTFO cruisers, all-day tourers, hyper-class bikes. In Europe, people live in and travel in short distances on a daily basis, hence the billion scooters, mopeds, and small-bore sportbikes. (Plus a ton of f***ing awesome middle-weight nakeds.)

I think if the big-four or any other bike maunfacture thought they could make a nice profit from selling those bikes in the USA, they would.

Back to the OP--It would be nice to see the FZ6 evolve further, but now we will be in an exclusive club like Gilo said. In 2033, my bike will be a classic!
Awhile back we booted all the FZ-6R guys over to their own forum; as our numbers dwindle I can foresee we'll soon be begging them for our own section... on their forum. :rolleyes:

Pfft....even if this forum's membership drops to a handful it will be a cold, cold day in HELL before I allow us to be associated with those vagabonds.

Just glad to of got one while the party lasted. LOL

Party may be over but the PARTAY is just gettin started!! These bikes will last years and years and years past their "best before" dates. Believe that.
i knew i should have bought that 09 ninja 650r instead of the fz! Gosh i'm glad i didnt, that motor sounded like an air compressor. Na, maybe i'll go for the street triple if there's no fz8 here in the states. Now i know how the buell guys feel, kind of fuzzy.
Was anyone really planning on buying another one? Once you wear the one you have out won't you be looking for something new? I mean the FZ is a GREAT bike but I already have one, why on earth would I want/need another? THe FZ will be around for a long time to come so if you truely want another I'm sure a good used one will be easy to find. Just my thoughts.
unless i crash mine and its unrepairable ill keep repairing and maintaining mine. after next year itll be a track machine.

i agree with you tho ant.....while the FZ is a great bike....there are a lot of great bikes out there.......AND I DONT SEE NO RING ON THIS FINGAH!!!
Was anyone really planning on buying another one? Once you wear the one you have out won't you be looking for something new? I mean the FZ is a GREAT bike but I already have one, why on earth would I want/need another? THe FZ will be around for a long time to come so if you truely want another I'm sure a good used one will be easy to find. Just my thoughts.
I put a lot, a LOT, of research in before I bought my FZ two years ago; I tend to do the same with most everything I buy. I've been a Saab man for 25 years now (RIP :() and I would've stuck with the FZ-6 for the rest of my life, what little is left. :rolleyes: My '07 has over 20,000 mi, so I'd probably need another one in a few years, but I'll have to choose another, I guess.
I will abandon a choice in a minute if it goes bad on me; case in point: International Male's underwear has been redesigned, and it... just don't FIT right anymore :( :mad: Back to the search... :rolleyes:
Well it just makes our bikes "special". I'll keep her until she dies. Might buy another bike in a couple of years, but I certainly won't be retiring my FZ6.
I plan to keep my FZ6 as long as it lasts and can be repaired . I will be looking to get into another bike in the future but the FZ6 stays, well at least thats the plan so far.

Spares should be available due to the popularity of this bike for some time to come I recon. I may just buy some essential spares and hoard them till needed I guess.
I plan to keep my FZ6 as long as it lasts and can be repaired . I will be looking to get into another bike in the future but the FZ6 stays, well at least thats the plan so far.

Spares should be available due to the popularity of this bike for some time to come I recon. I may just buy some essential spares and hoard them till needed I guess.

Keep in mind that the FZ isn't discontinued overseas. Spares will be available.