filtering gone wrong !!


Jul 19, 2009
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Dublin Ireland
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SH** SH** s*iT ............ :eek:

[ame=]Motorbike getting sandwitched Between 2 Trucks - YouTube[/ame]
what an idiot, he's not filtering, he's riding dangerously

i'd expect a visit from the police if they see this
That was HIGHlarious! I mean, saying "Sh** before even attempting it. If it was such a "Sh**" why did he follow through with it? Oh well, I guess he was riding with personal goal of not dropping below 130 KPH and so it was "obligatory" to attempt. Gotta give him credit, however, for putting the video on the internet (but that, too, may be another "Sh**").:banghead:
Saw this a few days ago, still can't understand:
a) why he didn't break
b) why he didn't go around, I'd of gone left onto the slip lane/hard shoulder if I couldn't scrub the speed.
It looks like he was at a good pace and then came up on traffic that was almost at a standstill. I don't even think those truck knew there was an impact. LOL!
I am looking at this from a slightly different angle, I have had a few mad moments in the past and will probably have a few more moments of madness in the years to come.
Watching this video has made me thankful for my lucky days, when my thoughts and decisions were connected to the throttle after bypassing my brain.
Fair play for the cagers who stopped to give him aid.
