Feel so dumb...


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2013
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Georgetown Ky
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So the FZ6 is my second bike, and this is the first part of my second riding season, and until today I could say that I've never dropped my bike :(. I was stopped on a highway exit ramp, waiting for the light to change. I had my left foot down, my right on the rear brake, so I could relax my throttle hand and still have the brake light. I was looking into my right mirror for anyone approaching too quickly from behind, when I leaned a little too far to the right and over she went. My foot hung up just enough on the footrest so that I lost my leverage and then I was hopping and turning around to see Selena (my bike) on her side! :eek: Much thanks to the local dual-sport rider that stopped to help me out- glad to know that I could count on a fellow rider. We checked her over and, other than some cosmetic bumps I think things are okay. But I felt so stupid. The real kicker is that TODAY on break at work I ordered frame sliders! They'll be here i like three days.

The only question I have is: I think the right side of my handlebar is bent in very slightly (it touches the tank just a bit when I turn the wheel all the way on that side). Should that cause me any major problems? It's not perceptible by looking, but it felt slightly different and when I tested it by locking the wheel to the right I found that it's a bit off. Just curious if anyone sees that as a red flag.

Oh well, Selena has some road scars, and I have a bit more humility. Live and learn I guess. And be glad it wasn't anything more serious!
I almost ate it a few weeks ago on an exit ramp - there was a van disabled in the far right of the 3 lanes, and I was watching the cars trying to go around it (fortunately there was enough room for them to pass without coming into my/the center lane - but I was watching anyway). The light turned red and I didn't bother looking where I was putting my boot, which turned out to be a rather nice pile of very loose, slippery gravel. I'm sure the cars next to me had a good laugh when my foot slid about 18 inches and I almost dropped the bike. Those exit ramps are dangerous places!

Personally I'd look at this as an excellent opportunity to put some FZ1 bars on...cheap and easy mod and makes the bike feel like a totally different machine.

Oh, and GO BIG BLUE (I'm originally from Louisville). :)
no shame there. We've all come pretty close or have done it.
Went to a local charity ride the other day and in pulls a beat up Hayabusa. Walk over and talk the to the rider and I'd say he was probably 70yrs....wearing an old school bomber jacket with fur collar. He said he loved the bike and wouldn't give it up for the world....it was scratched to ****e and lots of minor plastic damage.....his words were..." if it ain't scratched then you ain't riding it enough"....classic.
I once tried to move from a stop sign in 2nd gear (#1: I didnt intend to stop. #2: once i stopped, I thought I was in 1st gear). The bike stalled, obviously, and I dropped it. No one helped me. I waved the 3 cars behind me to go around. Then I picked the bike up by myself like a boss. LOL
Check to see that the handlebar is centered in the clamps. Maybe it got pushed over to one side? It also may have rotated in clamps.
Check to see that the handlebar is centered in the clamps. Maybe it got pushed over to one side? It also may have rotated in clamps.

++ ^^
Like candy from a baby. Same thoughts, you beat me to it.

OP - glad its just minor. This too shall pass. Oh - FZ1 bars, $35 usd online ....
Thanks guys. It's good to know I'm not the only one looking like a noob every once in a while. Oh, and thanks for the tip Erci, it does look like the bar has slid over to the left a bit- the knurled part that goes under the clamp is hanging out on that side. I'll reset them tomorrow. So, I know I could do a search and all, but what's so great about the FZ1 bars?
Thanks guys. It's good to know I'm not the only one looking like a noob every once in a while. Oh, and thanks for the tip Erci, it does look like the bar has slid over to the left a bit- the knurled part that goes under the clamp is hanging out on that side. I'll reset them tomorrow. So, I know I could do a search and all, but what's so great about the FZ1 bars?

It's flat and has far less back sweep. It's easier on your wrists and upper back and gives the bike a sportier feel.
What a dumb ass, how could you drop your bike! Wait that was me when I pulled into my garage and dropped it because some dumb ass forgot to put down the kick stand.

We all do it sooner or later. Glad you weren't hurt so live and learn eh? :)
What a dumb ass, how could you drop your bike! Wait that was me when I pulled into my garage and dropped it because some dumb ass forgot to put down the kick stand.

We all do it sooner or later. Glad you weren't hurt so live and learn eh? :)

Haha. I've done the forget to put down the kickstand move. Caught her within an inch or so of the ground. Boy were both my arms/back and my pride hurt after that haha
no shame dw. as the saying says s*** happens.

i also forgot to put the sidesstand down at my work and down it went. i tested the brand new frame sliders i had put on shortly before. luckily no damage and NO ONE at work saw me! phew.
Not so dumb. Mostly everyone has done it. Look at it this way, you've got it out of the way and I'm sure you learned something. Done, now move on and go for a ride!!!!:D