Fantasy Football

We've hit our minimum required number of 8 for the league. At least 10 would be an optimum number, so if there are members here who still want to join, please do.

The people who have signed up so far are:

1. Sdotterer014
2. Azrael
3. Dschult2
4. Rsaliga
5. Rookie08FZ6
6. Humperdinkel
7. hurrican3p
8. dpaul007
Any chance the draft can be pushed back til the following weekend. This weekend is no good for me and I hate letting the computer pick my team.
Any chance the draft can be pushed back til the following weekend. This weekend is no good for me and I hate letting the computer pick my team.

I personally don't mind, but I'll let it hang until a couple other people weigh in. Want to make it as convenient as possible for the most people.
I can do next weekend anytime from Saturday evening on. Not sure if it will work for everybody as it is a holiday weekend(at least here in the States)
Hello All,

Looks like most people are close to or in EDT, so how does 9 pm EDT on Saturday (08/30) sound for the draft? I think this is a good compromise. Anyway, here is where we stand on the signups.

1. Sdotterer014 - Signed up
2. Azrael - Signed up
3. Dschult2 - Signed up
4. Rsaliga - Signed up
5. Rookie08FZ6
6. Humperdinkel
7. hurrican3p - Signed up
8. dpaul007 - Signed up

Rookie08FZ6 and Humperdinkel please PM me your email addresses so I can send you the invites. If anyone of you has other friends on the forum who are unaware of the league please let them know. The more people we have the more badass this league will be.
Quick update

1. Sdotterer014 - Signed up
2. Azrael - Signed up
3. Dschult2 - Signed up
4. Rsaliga - Signed up
5. Rookie08FZ6 - Signed up
6. Humperdinkel
7. hurrican3p - Signed up
8. dpaul007 - Signed up
9. 52pickup
I'm in!!! I would also volunteer to be commish! I usually am!! I did not play with you guys last year so i'm not sure how you played. I usually play a non-keeper league with a snake draft! Let me know!!
Hello All,

rsmith2072 volunteered to be Commish, and since I was just doing it as a temp. I stepped down. He is now the Commish on the league and I've relegated myself to Co-Commish on the site, but will not exercise it unless the Commish requests it or is unable to do something he wants to from his location. This is the list so far

1. Sdotterer014 - Signed up
2. Azrael - Co-Commish/Signed up
3. Dschult2 - Signed up
4. Rsaliga - Signed up
5. Rookie08FZ6 - Signed up
6. Humperdinkel
7. hurrican3p - Signed up
8. dpaul007 - Signed up
9. 52pickup - Signed up
10. rsmith2072 - Commish/Signed up

Hopefully Humperdinkel is ok and and is just on a vacation or something because he hasn't responded to a couple PMs. Anyway from now on please address all the Commish stuff to rsmith2072. CC me on there if you want to, but its not required.

On a final note, may God have mercy on your souls, BECAUSE ALL OF YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!! Blah
10 teams when you sign up. Draft is 9 pm Eastern.

Just signed up. The draft time will be tight for me. I have another draft, which is a live draft, not online. I have to be physically there which starts 3 hours prior to this and since it's the old fashion way, it takes a long time. I don't like auto pick.
I don't use Paypal. I prefer just doing a direct deposit depositing it into the Commish's checking or savings account assuming he banks with one of the major banks such as BofA, Chase, WF, etc. Otherwise I can mail the $20.