Fantasy Football

I've always used Yahoo but I'm sure I could learn to use CBS as well. Since it looks like you might have the unfavorable job of commish whatever makes it easier for you. BTW is this going to be a standard scoring or PPR league?

I personally prefer Standard because then RBs actually mean something, but if enough ppl want PPR then majority wins.
I'm new to the forums as well but if it's free I'm in! lol And I have no clue how to be a commish but willing to commit the time if needed :)
I'm new to the forums as well but if it's free I'm in! lol And I have no clue how to be a commish but willing to commit the time if needed :)

You're welcome to join. However, I would like this to be a paid league. No more than $20-$25 though. Reason being I've seen a very clear cut difference in the way people try to win in a league where there's a chance to win money versus one where there's no reward. That being said, you're welcome to be commish if you're inclined. :)

Also since this is now becoming a discussion topic, I'd like a reconfirmation on how many people are interested in playing of there's a $20-per person pot. That will make tentatively : 1st place = $80, 2nd = $40, 3rd = $20, Highest Scorer = $20

This breakup is for an 8-person league. Obviously there's more money to win if more ppl join.
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I'm Already in multiple leagues including college football fantasy. But if you need a 10th or 12th, and only payout the top two, I will consider playing. Also as far as the league goes, using your forum screen names as your team makes it easier to keep track who your opposition is rather using a different name.
I'm in with the pay as well. My vote is also 100% in favor of Yahoo. I've been using it for various leagues the past 5 years and have had no complaints at all with it. As for PPR, I don't really care, it did work out for me last year though ha.
All right folks. Time to get some rules in place and do a roll call again. Let's just get this out of the way so people can decide whether they want in or not. Here are the rules that are currently going to be in place.

1. $20 per person buy in
2. Standard League
3. Hosted on Yahoo
4. Pot will be split -
Highest Single Week Score = $20
3rd Place = $20
2nd Place = 1/3rd of Remainder
1st Place = 2/3rd of Remainder

Hopefully this will not turn anyone away. I personally think $20 is pretty reasonable and with 8 ppl, 1st place becomes $80 which is pretty respectable with a chance to win an extra $20 for High Score.

The reason I'd like 3rd place and High Score to at least recoup buy in is so that by the second half of the season when some people start pulling ahead even people with not-so-good records are motivated to set a good lineup. Hopefully you will still want to play.

PS - I'm just trying to set the ball rolling here, so by any means if someone else wants to be Commish I will immediately step down.
I'm Already in multiple leagues including college football fantasy. But if you need a 10th or 12th, and only payout the top two, I will consider playing. Also as far as the league goes, using your forum screen names as your team makes it easier to keep track who your opposition is rather using a different name.

The name advice is super good. It got very confusing, at least for me in the FZ6 league last year.
Should be for highest score for the entire season for non-money finishers. If they are out of the playoffs, the points still accumulate if they can still compete. Some leagues allow you to play whether you're in the playoff or not. Just my two cents. If you start paying out more and more, it waters down 1st and 2nd place, that's why $25 is better than $20. Anyways, I'm only in if you need that 10th or 12th team.
Should be for highest score for the entire season for non-money finishers. If they are out of the playoffs, the points still accumulate if they can still compete. Some leagues allow you to play whether you're in the playoff or not. Just my two cents. If you start paying out more and more, it waters down 1st and 2nd place, that's why $25 is better than $20. Anyways, I'm only in if you need that 10th or 12th team.

The Highest Scorer at least as I saw it wasn't going to be from accumulated points, but based on the single highest score recorded by any player any week over the entire season. This way even someone with a not-great record could win if they had a good week. Keep an eye out here and we'll flash you the Bat-signal if we're stuck on a 7, 9 or 11 man league.
All right folks. Time to get some rules in place and do a roll call again. Let's just get this out of the way so people can decide whether they want in or not. Here are the rules that are currently going to be in place.

1. $20 per person buy in
2. Standard League
3. Hosted on Yahoo
4. Pot will be split -
Highest Single Week Score = $20
3rd Place = $20
2nd Place = 1/3rd of Remainder
1st Place = 2/3rd of Remainder

Hopefully this will not turn anyone away. I personally think $20 is pretty reasonable and with 8 ppl, 1st place becomes $80 which is pretty respectable with a chance to win an extra $20 for High Score.

Those rules work for me. Can't wait to take your guys' $!Blah

I'm fully aware that making this a money league will cause some people to drop out. Just wanted to get re-rollcall again so we know where we are. If anyone is stumbling on this thread for the first time, the rules are a couple of posts back. Please feel free to join. The more the merrier!

As of now, we have 3 for sure

1. Sdotterer014
2. Azrael
3. Dschult2

VEGASRIDER was good enough to offer to make the numbers even if we need to.

Everyone, please drop a line again to let it be known if you are still interested.
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I'm still in and I like the rules too. I think we should shoot for a late August draft date so we put off the possibility of injuries as late as possible.
Up to 4!

1. Sdotterer014
2. Azrael
3. Dschult2
4. Rsaliga

Come on folks, is it not worth more than $20 to dominate your fellow FZ6ers and talk trash?