failed my bike test


s2 vml
Oct 2, 2008
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brighouse, west yorkshire, UK
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hello everyone, this is my first post..not a happy one! as i failed my bike test yesterday.
on an angled start i looked in both directions and saw a car coming behind at a distance. thought i had enough time to move off but i must have anticipated the cars speed wrong as he flew past me soon after i pulled in to the road.
knew i have blown it but carried on the rest of the test half heartedly... as a result...another major as for some reason i slowed down at a traffic light when the lights were green...
i was absolutely devastated ... it was a horrible feeling...
i have booked in for another test in 2 weeks ... hope it goes ok and i concentrate a bit more..
any tips or suggestions welcome. thanks guys...
Just take your time with it and if you can practice around your neighborhood that will help also. You will do fine the second go around im sure. Good luck and dont let this get you down. We all have to start somewhere.:thumbup:
It took me four goes after dabbing a foot down on the u-turn the first 2 goes, and locking the rear tyre up ever so slightly the third time on the emergency stop. I then hired a 125cc bike for the day (having already sold my own and bought a fazer 600 in anticipation of passing first time. D'oh) and spent a whole day just before my test riding the route, getting familiar, and practising the manouveres. That made me much more relaxed for the real test and I passed easily.

All the extra training I did has made me much more comfortable on the bike now than I would have been if I'd been let loose on my own the first time.

Just relax on the day and don't worry and you'll be fine. Best of luck and happy biking :rockon:
The European motorcycle testing is apparently more difficult than the US, and that's probably a good thing.

As part of the MSF course, the instructor also performs the state certification as well (here in Colorado), but it's not much more than a few driving maneuvers. I left thinking "that's all there is to it" and felt unprepared for the real world.

I catch myself slowing for green lights here too. It's a conditioned response because so many lights turn green just as I approach the intersection. I would think some lights would be timed to keep traffic flowing but it's not so.
Well poo! Good luck with the next go!

If it were me, I would try to "pretend" that I was out for a joy ride. And do lots of practicing. :Flash:
It took me four goes after dabbing a foot down on the u-turn the first 2 goes, and locking the rear tyre up ever so slightly the third time on the emergency stop. I then hired a 125cc bike for the day (having already sold my own and bought a fazer 600 in anticipation of passing first time. D'oh) and spent a whole day just before my test riding the route, getting familiar, and practising the manouveres. That made me much more relaxed for the real test and I passed easily.

All the extra training I did has made me much more comfortable on the bike now than I would have been if I'd been let loose on my own the first time.

Just relax on the day and don't worry and you'll be fine. Best of luck and happy biking :rockon:

hello everyone, this is my first post..not a happy one! as i failed my bike test yesterday.
on an angled start i looked in both directions and saw a car coming behind at a distance. thought i had enough time to move off but i must have anticipated the cars speed wrong as he flew past me soon after i pulled in to the road.
knew i have blown it but carried on the rest of the test half heartedly... as a result...another major as for some reason i slowed down at a traffic light when the lights were green...
i was absolutely devastated ... it was a horrible feeling...
i have booked in for another test in 2 weeks ... hope it goes ok and i concentrate a bit more..
any tips or suggestions welcome. thanks guys...
Our test is very hard compared to other countries. Stick with it and use it as a positive experience. You will know what to expect next time.

bummer.... you will do much better next time around, you were probably very nervous and were thinking too much about how you will screw up, just think about how to do things well and it will happen.

Good luck in 2 weeks!
Our test is very hard compared to other countries. Stick with it and use it as a positive experience. You will know what to expect next time.


Nelly, I wondered about your test being more difficult than ours. We are pretty lucky in that if we take and pass a cycle safety course, we don't have to do the driving test. The course was really worth it though!
You know what you did wrong so you should pass next time. :thumbup:

Plenty of life savers and keep he speed up.

And if you can make sure you go out (with an instructor :rolleyes:) on the bike for an hour or two before. Sort of gets you in the groove.
thanks very much guys for cheering me up ... i will do some more practising and will try and be calm and focused on the day of the test
i will let u know the result..hopefully a good one!
cant wait to get it done and jump on to my new fz6 ...
thanks everyone
yeah, that sucks... the only good thing is its better to fail there, then pass here. When you pass here, you leave the course going.. uhh.. so i can drive at 15mph.. what about the road? I passed my course (very easy) it was a closed course, a 135 degree turn, a 90 degree turn, a emergency stop (skidding was ok) and a figure 8 (which the instructor slipped and told us that failing that wouldnt make us fail the test) We had NO time on the road. just a certificate that said we were good to go! well... i drove around my neighborhood a long ass time at 30mph before i hit any roads. Our test doesnt provide any real skills higher than parking lot skills. hell, you dont even get fast enough to play with centrifugal force.
keep a cool head .. practice on your bike in the parking lot many times and then go .. and yes .. u need to be ultra careful with your right wrist on the FZ6 if you have not cleared it in 1st try ..
My son has now failed 3 x The last time he was gutted because on each test he has had no more than 3 minors and this time failed on foot down in the u turn.

He has done this without fail each time but this time it was a very blustery rainy day. Half way across the camber side ways rain and a huge gust of wind, so dabs his toe to recover and that is a fail !!! because it is supposed to show he lost control.

Don't know what you think but I think that it was quite the opposite in those conditions it shows he kept the bike upright and safe. I know the instructors hate the part of the test as it can be so "sudden death" and it is all over because of something that is not life threating nor dangerous to the rider or other road users. You only have to go to any meet and toes go down everywhere.

Is not the CBT which takes a day to learn and prove slow control ?

I think this bit of the test should be changed to a minor

end of rant
I'm with everyone else on this - relax. I know it's hard to do that but it's the best thing. Once you relax into riding you'll become much smoother.
s2vml... Don`t worry about this, just put it behind you.

I flew over from Denmark to Hounslow in Essex for a week to do my CBT and do the test. I failed it on the turn in the road...foot down, what did you expect?

I flew home and came back 2 weeks later and spent a day on the bike and test first thing the next morning. I passed with zero points.

Like I say stay positive and you will get through sooner or later.

I passed 2 years ago and have done about 50,000km and it is something for you to look forward to.

Good luck mate.

In Alabama if you have a license to drive a car then you can drive a motor cycle. Really I think showing some small ability to control a bike before being alowed to ride on the street is a good thing. As far as pulling out in font of a car going faster than you thought, that is a possible fatal mistake. If you are ever not positive that you have plenty of time to make it, then play it safe and wait until you are positive. You only have to pass the test one time.
I wish our testing was more difficult! We don't even leave the parking lot as it is all done with painted lines and cones.

The others have stated it well. Practice, be comfortable, err on the cautious side with judgement and remain positive.

Chin up. You'll do fine the next round!
...knew i have blown it but carried on the rest of the test half heartedly...

No, no, don't do that. You may have passed but the evaluator sensed your attitude and looked for that one mistake that sent you home without an endorsement.

Mine [almost] was kicking a cone on the high speed swerve course, but, being the cone was of improper size and me completing the rest of the test focused I passed.

We ALL make mistakes on each of our rides. Not all mistakes are crashes, injuries or fatalities but mistakes nevertheless. If you make one, learn from it and continue your ride focused. Keep a good attitude - you'll get it.