F***king bit while riding...

On a different note:

Mid Feb I was also bit by a dog. Let it go as "F***king bit while riding..." (skateboard) and wrote it off. As explained earlier in thread it got infected. After treatment I had change of heart as I totaled all the expenses from 1 stupid dog bite.

Number came to just under $250. I wrote and called the owner and they finally settled and paid today.

The thing is, had this been a kids face instead of the back my leg I'd be F'g PO'd if I was the parent of that child as this is not justice. The dog is a menace and is not being put down. . .

I told her if I ever find out by any means this dog bit someone I'll be making sure it is put down! That won't fix a childs face tho!
Damn that sucks, hope you're okay. I once came across a big stray/loose dog while riding on a country rode and did what others have said, ride slow then gas it past while the thing tries to get you