F***king bit while riding...


The Tall Guy!
Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Desoto, Missouri, USA
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So this was our so far best riding day of the year and let alone first day of Spring... I probably got 150 miles in today on my FZ6, which my fiance decided to name:rolleyes: Now my bike has a name, Fiona. This even happened about 30 minutes into the ride. I was riding slowing and a dog jumped up and bit me freaking hard on the leg. Jumped high enough to get above my boot and just latched on. I have not been bitten by a dog in years. It really scared me while I was riding but, managed to shake it off. I was just shocked that this happened today. Thought it was a crappy way to start my ride, but a good store for the forum.

1 Hour after Bite

60 Seconds after Bite
Might want to think about getting checked out for rabies..... hopefully you talked to the owner of the dog? Or just bit the owner? Any thoughts of a police report, etc.?
We actually cover this in the MSF BRC on how to avoid scenarios with dogs, but I thought the material was just a waste of time.

Until this post!
I have been tasted several times by dogs and it is no fun.
No doubt you want to talk to dog owner / police about rabies vaccination. Dog bites can be very serrious and you need to watch for infection.
It is also good to make some sort of contact with dog owner if you need them to cover any medical / loss of work expenses.
Good luck but don't get screwed by not taking action in reguards to this bite.
irresponsible pet owners, they do not have a clue. i would call the police and report them if you find out who owns the dog. what if a kid happens to ride by on a bicycle and gets bit or worse? there is a irresponsible pet owner not too far from here with 3 dogs they allow to run loose. their dogs have charged my bike multiple times and then when they did the same to my fiancee on her bike and nearly caused her to wreck that was the last straw. I called the cops, told them what was going on and they said I had the right to protect myself so I slapped on the gopro the next time i took the bike out, got the dogs on video showing their teeth and snapping at me on my bike and I maced the dogs then I called the cops and the owners got a nice ticket after the police watched the vid.

be careful out there and yes you better make sure that dog has its rabies vaccination.
Re: F***king bit while riding... << Evil Dawgs. . . .

I got some of those three weeks ago while skate boarding with my son. . . Thing was cleaned up well and week later got infected. County locked the dog up for a few days - neither of us have rabies or got put down. But over all it cost me time, trashed clothes, a dr visit, medication, and discomfort. . . Stupid dog!

Maybe a picture later - everyone likes pictures . . .

OP - Sorry bout that! It sucks and I can relate as it was unprovoked and they knew the dog was a menace. . .
Re: F***king bit while riding... << Evil Dawgs. . . .

- neither of us have rabies or got put down.
Well, that's good to hear! :D

What everyone else said; report it and get yourself checked.

Question: Can a dog bite thru leathers? :confused:
Re: F***king bit while riding... << Evil Dawgs. . . .

Well, that's good to hear! :D

What everyone else said; report it and get yourself checked.

Question: Can a dog bite thru leathers? :confused:

The answer to that is YES.

Dog packs can take down cows.... cow's skin is leather, ergo.....
Ouch.. :(

I've been bit by a stray cat once, it sucked and I ended up having to take antibiotic meds and the rabies shot series. I didn't save the cat to have it checked out.

I would add my voice in saying get it checked out. Even if it seems ok, it may show up later. I was bit through a glove and after a couple days I was feeling funny and achy. Once I was on the Antibiotics I was doing much better.
As for prevention, I think the MSF tactic is to approach slow, then speed up as you near the animal. I've never been bitten, but I've practiced it a few times when dogs challenged me. Now I'll practice kicking at them as well. What kind of dog was it? And what kind of environment were you riding in?

After the fact, I guess I would probably dismount and either find the owner or give the dog as much of a scare as possible. It probably wouldn't amount to anything, but I always like to remind them who's at the top of the food chain. Whether or not I involved authorities would depend on the response of the owner. If I couldn't find them, I would certainly alert animal control.

In hindsight, I would think about investing in some riding pants. I usually wear jeans myself. This just reinforces my decision to pickup some new summer pants ASAP.

Glad you didn't drop the bike! Just think how much more that would have pissed you off.
That's awful, man :(
Has not happened to me yet, but I know it's always a possibility.
As Vegas mentioned, this IS covered in MSF and the advice is when you spot a dog running toward you you should slow down and as you start to get relatively close to speed up quickly. Supposedly that will mess up dogs path and he won't be able to grab a hold of you. But in your case it sounds like you didn't see it coming before it was too late :(
I got it cleaned and what not, like everyone said, im getting it checked out too. Just sucks. I'm not one to sue or anything, just want to make sure it isnt infected. If the dog is reported with something, I will surely notify this to the owners and doctors.
Sorry to hear about this!
Hydrogen peroxide! Let it bubble up. :thumbup:
Keep in mind that dogs are hunters. They're mindset is to triangulate, based on your distance and speed they calculate their interception point. In other words, they are very good in geometry and algebra.

That is why you slow down and keep our speed steady until the dog gets close and then you apply throttle by speeding up to upset the dog's timing.

But if you never saw the dog coming, well :spank:
I never saw it coming, was more focused on traffic, and fiance on the back. It came up from behind the bike. Anyway i'll keep info posted.
Ouch.. :(

I've been bit by a stray cat once, it sucked and I ended up having to take antibiotic meds and the rabies shot series. I didn't save the cat to have it checked out.

I would add my voice in saying get it checked out. Even if it seems ok, it may show up later. I was bit through a glove and after a couple days I was feeling funny and achy. Once I was on the Antibiotics I was doing much better.

True - - -

A Tell tale sign of infection beyond color changes are when your skin feels like its under hot water; a nice inner burning sensation. Like sticking your hand in 180F water but from the inside, maybe like pins and needles that burn???
If you get to that stage, get to the dr ASAP. You might also Sharpie a circle around the swollen and discolored area. You can track its progress if it grows larger that way. . .

Looks like this after a few days. . .

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I had a dog try to chase me once, I was on a driveway at my Sister's house. I actually stopped and the dog ran away. After reading the above comments I'm thinking that might not have been the best thing to do, but I would have had a hard time just driving off after.