DragginJeans review


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Jan 14, 2009
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Calgary, Alberta Canada
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I finally am getting around to posting a quick thread on riding jeans that I have. Draggin Jeans. Jeans with separate Kevlar patches sewed into the butt, hips and knees. I bought the Jeans this winter and have been riding with them all summer. Pictures below. including jeans turned inside out


The website has lots and lots of information

Right or wrong this is my take on them...... For booting around town and commuting to work and speeds are max 50-60 km/hr most of the time I really like these jeans. They are warm, feel great , look great and again right or wrong....I know its psychological.....I do feel much safer in them. Thankfully I have never laid the bike down and got a chance to put the kevlar to a real test and I hope I never do,....... but I will not ride my bike with normal jeans, but I really do feel quite safe knowing there is kevlar between my skin and the road. Warning....these Jeans are very expensive at around $200 canadian. Again that may seem like a crazy amount of $$ to spend on jeans, but to me its worth it and the best part is I get to wear jeans while riding my bike around town and if that costs me $200 for the privalege, so be it. Some guys also choose to wear knee pad inserts inside the jeans as well

I am in the process of buying some proper leather or other type of riding pants that I will wear out on highway trips where speeds are much greater....

Anyway, here are some pics
Beware with these kevlar jeans, they will ride up and you'll have no protection on your lower leg, I realise there is no kevlar there but something there is better than nothing. This is several friends experiances with them.
I got taken out by a cager doing around 75 km/h wearing my draggin jeans and I think they saved me from needing skin grafts! The jeans just got a small tear on the denim outer and the kevlar shows the heat from sliding down the road.No damage to my skin at all. Worth every cent I think. I was wearing full length riding boots too. I see guys riding round in shorts, tshirt and running shoes and I would hate to see what would happen to them in a similar crash. Like Stumbles06 says "all the gear all the time"
I wear Alpinestars cargo armoured pants over jeans but find it too warm for nice days. Seems like most armoured pants ride up the lower leg...I wish there were some good pants that are a bit longer.
I love my Draggin Jeans, they are about $230 here for the not fancy ones (same as shown in the above picture) and I have to say I wouldn't ride without them!
I haven't been in a situation yet where they have proven their worth but there is certainly a bit of peace of mind in wearing them, just in case.
I always buy long jeans, especially for use on the bike as pretty much anything that isn't strapped under your boot can and will ride up, my Draggins never do, unless I'm wearing waterproof overs over the top of them, but I also wear full boots.

Would definately recommend!
They might be twice the price of normal jeans, but they are VERY well made (mine are 3 years old and still going strong) great for on and off the bike, and are a tiny bit of added warmth.
I have a pair of Cortech jeans that have leather panels in place of Kevlar. They feel hot and don't really have much protection. The removable knee armor just flops around. I replaced them with Fieldsheer mesh pants in light grey. I can wear them over pants or shorts and the light material reflects the sunlight unlike black pants. Not quite as normal looking as jeans but the protection is way better.

I wear a pair of Olympia riding pants on a long trips, but admit to wearing jeans on shorter trips. I can't seeing wearing this kind of gear for all my riding.

Here in PA, some people don't wear helmets (idiots, IMO). I also see many with shorts, t shirts and halters; I even saw someone riding with flip-flops and topsider boat shoes - can you believe it? I guess my point is that will all the protection I do wear, I'm safe enough. After all, we are riding motorcycles.
Draggin Jeans test videos

Would love to have a pair of these but honestly I'm not sure if giving up my textile trousers is a good trade off..Yes probably better armoured than textiles,lighter and cooler but 1 relatively thin layer compared to jeans and a thick outer layer.

I don't fancy crashing for real and hoping while sliding up tarmac that they hold :eek:
I have the fieldsheer 4 season mesh pants in black and they are fine and it gets hot out here in the desert in so-cal, hot when you stop for a while and fine when you ride, the liner works to well, I would use it when it dips into the 30's or if it rains.
I like my Urban Camo Kevlar Draggin Jeans so much I am going to purchase a second pair of regular style jeans also. Pricey, yes but short of all out race style leathers I can't believe there is much better. Of note, I have Sidi Vertigo's and wear Icon knee/shin armour. The latter keeps the pants from sliding up a tad more than without. I know leathers would not slide up at all, but I am doing the best with what I have. Either way I like em, so :thumbup: on your purchase.