Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Well, tonight i decide to ride my newly FINISHED FZ6 streetfighter to work, just to get a feeling for my new handlebar set up! All was good till i got on the bike to ride home...

Left work,...rode to the first major intersection, stopped at the traffic lights, then took off when lighrs went green, to what was seemingly an open, and empty road ahead! apart from a drunken Pedestrian standing on the Median Strip, in the middle of the road, 40 metres ahead!

Well when i took off, not crazy fast, but enough zip to clear myself from the cars at the lights with me, when the drunk decides to run out into the middle of the road, straight into my path...i had no chance, could not avoid him...i go down, the bike goes down at about 55km/h...guesstimate!

Result, the bike that i just finished proclaiming to all those close to me, that i had finished spending money on, as i was now completely happy, well the result is a headlight that is in 2 pieces, the headlight itself, and the fairing in fromt of the light, no longer are as one...and the front of the headlight is scratched to f***....nice one, just got the f****** back from paint!!! Bellypan is scuffed, and will need to be filled, and re-painted....front end is bent...hopefully just twisted...right footpeg is snapped clean off! right frame slider is bent beyond belief, with about 10mm of it now missing...thankfully, it did not crack the frame!!! Left indicator destroyed, front fork slider scuffed, and the clutch lever and clutch lever mount are now sitting at 90 degree's to the handlebar's...not bent, just need to be turned around...

My Helmet is destroyed...and i have abrasions on my hands and knees, plus a bloody sore wrist, neck, and a very sore throat...

Am ok, Bike can be fixed, just right royally pissed off!!!! Cant even describe what i am feeling right now??? My poor f****** stupid pissed idiot!

Only good thing is, there were at least 3 witness's, and all said there was nothing i could do, he just leapt straight into my path!!!

No photo's yet, i will get around to that in the next day or so!!!

Was great fun riding the bike home with a twisted front end, no right footpeg, and a clutch lever that was sitting vertical...

At least the back half of the bike is unscathed...that would of been much work has gone into that!

Now excuse me while i go and try and find peace and solace in the fact that the bike is fixable, and i am ok...both of us are just a bit scuffed up and hurt!I need a choof, a beer!

More Freaking money & stress! Aaargh!

re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Thats sooo ****ty! Good thing you're ok tho. *#@!?ing drunks!!! I know how you feel. My bike was written off four months ago, both my pride and my leg still have a limp.
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re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

[ame=]YouTube - Darth Vader NO![/ame]

That blows... So much work gone in an instant...
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

NOoooooooo! Oh man! Sorry to hear that Jamie! As long as you heal up is all that is important. You built it and you can fix it!

In fact I have an idea for the headlight faring repair. Take that wanker's ( I can say wanker on here right?) head and clean it up real good. Stuff some headlights in the eye sockets paint the skull black and head off for a ride! :rockon:
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Vader +1

I feel sick reading that.

Sue this guy.

Seriously. It was his idiocy that put you at risk of injury and cost you the effort and parts gone into the bike that were damaged. Sue him for the cost of redoing it in a dealership with full labour fees and parts then do the work again yourself.

I swear this guy needs a kick to the face. What a useless POS.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

:eek: Jamie that's a shame. Glad you are OK but *** bad luck. That's a shock as I am stunned! :(
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Man I wish you had video of that. Sorry for your loss, no frame sliders?
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

OMG so sorry, man!! Very glad you didn't get seriously hurt.
Bike will be fixed and I bet you'll find a way to make it even better somehow :D
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

That's a terrible story man, I could almost shed a tear about it but hey no need to be dramatic. Best thing is you live to ride another day. Sucks big time to see your pride and joy get trashed.. what a cluster Eff. I guess dumbasses are everywhere this story could probably happen in any country, anywhere. Heal up and good luck getting the bike on the mend as well.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Glad your still with us!
Urban drunk forest rats :rant: are just as unpredictable as our country ones. Really sucks big time!
Better have a double set up - for medicinal purposes only mind you. ;)
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re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Holy crap that blows. Made me a little sick reading that. Please take that guy down if you can. Make him dish out the money to fix everything. Hopefully it'll serve the purpose of keeping him off the sauce for a while as well. ***hole. :disapprove:

Keep us updated.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

compleatly blows.. is anything going to happen to the drunk guy (other than a foot in the a$$ if you see him).. sucks man, but at least your ok and the bike can be fixed...
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Result, the bike that i just finished proclaiming to all those close to me, that i had finished spending money on, as i was now completely happy, well the result is a headlight that is in 2 pieces, the headlight itself, and the fairing in fromt of the light, no longer are as one...and the front of the headlight is scratched to f***....nice one, just got the f****** back from paint!!! Bellypan is scuffed, and will need to be filled, and re-painted....front end is bent...hopefully just twisted...right footpeg is snapped clean off! right frame slider is bent beyond belief, with about 10mm of it now missing...thankfully, it did not crack the frame!!! Left indicator destroyed, front fork slider scuffed, and the clutch lever and clutch lever mount are now sitting at 90 degree's to the handlebar's...not bent, just need to be turned around...

Man I wish you had video of that. Sorry for your loss, no frame sliders?

Go back and read again :rolleyes:

Thats sucks Jamie,sorry to hear it mate.
Yell out if ya need a hand :thumbup:
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Holy crap... Jamie, that sucks mate. Glad you are ok... oh man, all that work, time and effort and some wanker (motogiro said it up there.. the word fits quite well I think), does that.

I had to go out about 10:30 last night to pick up my daughter, and the crazies were out everywhere. People standing in the middle of the road, one guy giving joy-rides in his black Ferrari, car just stops in the middle of an intersection when she had the green arrow to turn... etc etc.
(Hmm, wonder if it has anything to do with the Barmy Army being in town???)

re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Awww man Jamie, that sucks.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

I know it's not quite exactly the same, but I know how Wolfy feels. Less than a week after I installed my beautiful Leo Vince, I got rear ended. I initially wanted to install it in the winter, but decided I couldn't wait. I had to ride with it and hear what everybody's talking about. No regrets though. Just a little.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

:eek: :eek:F*** , F*** , F*** , glad your fairly OK but man that time & effort :(..... I hope your wrist is sore from floggin' the $h!t outta the pi$$ head :spank: :spank: