Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

It must be hartbreaking Wolfie, reallly sorry to hear this, what an Idiot. Hope you manage to get some money back for your repairs.
Pleased to hear you are (relatively) OK.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

OK, I got good news this arvo at the hospital, for once, i have no fractures! just lots of bruising, and 1 very badly sprained left wrist, and 1 not so badly sprained right wrist...

The CT Scan showed no spinal damage...which was nice to my neck is pretty bloody sore!

So, thankfully, i will still be able to go on my epic Tasmanian odysey with Kazza, Humpy & crew in late February!

Still aint gone out to the shed to look at the bike since i plonked it in there early this morning! But i am still very confident it wont take too long to fix as if nothing ever happened...which is the plan!

Need another bloody helmet too! This one took a bloody good hit, and once again proved very bloody good in protecting my nugget...i know that if i had'nt been wearing a good lid, i would of been in big trouble, because there is a 6-8inch long line of hardcore road rash across the front of the helmet!!!

Visor took it hard too...but did what is was supposed to...and it didnt crack, just looks very well "flexed", with plenty of stress fractures in the curved part of the visor...

Bike report tomorrow hopefully, when i can actually hold the camera for a i aint got enough strength in either wrists for such shenanigan's!

Once again, a bit taken aback by the interest in my welfare! Not so much the bike, cause it is a bit of a "looker",and no-one likes to see a good looker get trashed!

Lol! i think i need to go take some more med's!!!


re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

that sucks. sorry about your bike. but I'm sure u can and will rebuild it!!!!!!!!!
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Glad you are ok Jamie. Hope the goose has a permanent Alien headlight imprint to remind him what an fwit he is
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Sorry to read about this Wolfman. I know you've been working on your bike for ages, but only saw the finished product just the other day.

Sad to hear of bike and helmet but glad to read that you're all okay and no broken bits on your body.

Off to do some more serious reading on a better slider than the oggy knobs I had organised onto my bike
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

OK, I got good news this arvo at the hospital, for once, i have no fractures! just lots of bruising, and 1 very badly sprained left wrist, and 1 not so badly sprained right wrist...

The CT Scan showed no spinal damage...which was nice to my neck is pretty bloody sore!

So, thankfully, i will still be able to go on my epic Tasmanian odysey with Kazza, Humpy & crew in late February!

Still aint gone out to the shed to look at the bike since i plonked it in there early this morning! But i am still very confident it wont take too long to fix as if nothing ever happened...which is the plan!

Need another bloody helmet too! This one took a bloody good hit, and once again proved very bloody good in protecting my nugget...i know that if i had'nt been wearing a good lid, i would of been in big trouble, because there is a 6-8inch long line of hardcore road rash across the front of the helmet!!!

Visor took it hard too...but did what is was supposed to...and it didnt crack, just looks very well "flexed", with plenty of stress fractures in the curved part of the visor...

Bike report tomorrow hopefully, when i can actually hold the camera for a i aint got enough strength in either wrists for such shenanigan's!

Once again, a bit taken aback by the interest in my welfare! Not so much the bike, cause it is a bit of a "looker",and no-one likes to see a good looker get trashed!

Lol! i think i need to go take some more med's!!!



Thank goodness for that!

Glad you've got no serious injuries.

Relax tomorrow and TRY to enjoy the cricket :)
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

OK, I got good news this arvo at the hospital, for once, i have no fractures! just lots of bruising, and 1 very badly sprained left wrist, and 1 not so badly sprained right wrist...

That is GREAT news!! Don't know if you've ever had your wrist in a cast... I was in one for 3 months... it sucked big time! I'm a righty and it was my right wrist..
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Sorry to hear about your off Jaime! Stupid drunks! :spank: :Flip: :spank: I'm sure your witnesses would have attested to the fact that the drunk repeatedly fell to the group, got back up, and fell to the ground again. This would have explained his hospitalization... hypothetically of course... :sinister:

Glad to hear you're ok, and that the bike is fully repairable.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

I do hope that you expressed your displeasure at the afore mentioned drunk jamie!!!!(you know something like.."I would like a quiet word with you sir in that alley"):spank:
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

OK, I got good news this arvo at the hospital, for once, i have no fractures! just lots of bruising, and 1 very badly sprained left wrist, and 1 not so badly sprained right wrist...

The CT Scan showed no spinal damage...which was nice to my neck is pretty bloody sore!

So, thankfully, i will still be able to go on my epic Tasmanian odysey with Kazza, Humpy & crew in late February!

Still aint gone out to the shed to look at the bike since i plonked it in there early this morning! But i am still very confident it wont take too long to fix as if nothing ever happened...which is the plan!

Need another bloody helmet too! This one took a bloody good hit, and once again proved very bloody good in protecting my nugget...i know that if i had'nt been wearing a good lid, i would of been in big trouble, because there is a 6-8inch long line of hardcore road rash across the front of the helmet!!!

Visor took it hard too...but did what is was supposed to...and it didnt crack, just looks very well "flexed", with plenty of stress fractures in the curved part of the visor...

Bike report tomorrow hopefully, when i can actually hold the camera for a i aint got enough strength in either wrists for such shenanigan's!

Once again, a bit taken aback by the interest in my welfare! Not so much the bike, cause it is a bit of a "looker",and no-one likes to see a good looker get trashed!

Lol! i think i need to go take some more med's!!!


Glad to hear you made it out with no broken bones, what helmet did you have?
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Great to hear nothing is broken mate! Heal up quick! :rockon:
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

What happened to the drunk dude ?

BINGO!!! It took until post #43 for someone to ask what happened to the other human being. Yeah, he was a dickhead, but when we see a 'roo, deer or a drunk in the median why does responsibility to control the outcome leave our hands? You are in control of the machine, you could have (should have?) slowed down or possibly rode around it, yet all we got from the crowd here was 'he was a POS', 'should have killed him with the broken off footpeg', etc. Have none of the posters here done something really irresponsible and stupid that could have caused a serious accident that would have been his fault? Let's get a grip on things and dial the testosterone back, it appears neither party was hurt badly, but it is a bit troubling that nobody seems to care, or even ask, what happened to the other guy. Or would we have been cheering from the sidelines if he had been bumped off in the accident?
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

What happened to the drunk dude ?

His Father who turned up after the accident, took him to the hospital to check him over for injuries, etc...was mumbling something about Assault charges!!! :D

that sucks. sorry about your bike. but I'm sure u can and will rebuild it!!!!!!!!!

Mikey came over tonight and got a fair way down the road to getting the thing roadable...should be rideable as soon as i can get my hands on a couple of bits & pieces...indicators, and a low beam globe!! Am going to ride the bike with the headlight running in "naked form", without it's Ripper Mask front cover!! Looks like No.5 from that silly 80'S Movie! Lol!

Glad you are ok Jamie. Hope the goose has a permanent Alien headlight imprint to remind him what an fwit he is

Yes well he got a fair gut full of the thing...pity it wasnt a bit sharper!!!

re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Jamie take your time and heal up good. Your baby is just materistic where as you are flesh and blood! Live to ride another day!
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

BINGO!!! It took until post #43 for someone to ask what happened to the other human being. Yeah, he was a dickhead, but when we see a 'roo, deer or a drunk in the median why does responsibility to control the outcome leave our hands? You are in control of the machine, you could have (should have?) slowed down or possibly rode around it,QUOTE]

I had no chance to ride around him, avoid him, i did take evasive action, but like a rabbit caught in headlights, he sort of instinctively moved towards my head light.... I did hit him on the left side of the bike, with the bike turned towards the right, but i had about 10 metres in which to do anything...

I have been riding for a bloody long time, and i honestly think i could not have done anymore to avoid the accident...

He should be charged just like a drunk driver, he did not have control of his functions due to being staggering drunk, and as such should not be anywhere near a road, or at best, at least use the Pedestrian lights that were 30-40 metres away...

I wouldnt want to kill, or harm anyone, and i am the innocent victim of an act of irresponsible drunken lunacy...this was on one of Adelaide's busiest roads in the heart of the City...Your an idiot if you dont use the Pedestrian crossing's, even when your sober!

He obviously was not seriously injured when he squared up to me after he got up off the road, accusing me of aiming for him, and wanting to hit me....

It took the intervention of a couple of 3rd parties to get him to piss off and leave me alone, so i could get the bike off the road without having him in my face!

I was sober, riding responsibly, and should not have to deal with such "hazards" in the middle of the road...

re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

BINGO!!! It took until post #43 for someone to ask what happened to the other human being. Yeah, he was a dickhead, but when we see a 'roo, deer or a drunk in the median why does responsibility to control the outcome leave our hands? You are in control of the machine, you could have (should have?) slowed down or possibly rode around it, yet all we got from the crowd here was 'he was a POS', 'should have killed him with the broken off footpeg', etc. Have none of the posters here done something really irresponsible and stupid that could have caused a serious accident that would have been his fault? Let's get a grip on things and dial the testosterone back, it appears neither party was hurt badly, but it is a bit troubling that nobody seems to care, or even ask, what happened to the other guy. Or would we have been cheering from the sidelines if he had been bumped off in the accident?

I already knew what happened to the other dude:rolleyes:.

Big question is....How do you slow down or avoid the other dude? It's night time, and only one of you is showing any lights. There is a traffic controlled pedestrian crossing either side of him, and he chose to run across the road directly in front of a guy on a bike......What a Dumbfreak!

He's not a deer or a kangaroo. He's a 40-odd year old human being, who probably has a car licence, and if left to continue on his merry way may one day kill someone I care about, when he decides to randomly drive across an intersection 'cause he thought he saw Elvis. Even the witnesses told him he was a tool. I think that people who do retarded stuff like this need to have it reflected on their licence, because dumb on foot, dumb in a car seems likely to me.

At least if you are in the burbs, you are alert for dogs and cats, and in the in-betweens you are alert for wildlife. A human being isn't expected to see someone across the road and just forget about everything and bolt across the road like a dog after a ball. Also in the city at 3AM you are not likely to see any little kids doing the same, so you are not going to be mentally prepared for a moron on foot running straight into the front of your bike, when you are taking off from the lights and making sure another drunk moron in a car doesn't run a red light and kill you.

The guy's a moron. He's dangerous. And if my thinking so makes me a bad be it. I can live with it:thumbup:.

The road's for motor vehicles, and the pushbike lane is for pushbikes. The footpath and the trafficlighted crossings are for pedestrians....Not hard to figure out really.:spank: If I rode on the footpath and ran someone down, would you feel sorry for me? It's like feeling sorry for a burgler who cuts himself while stealing all the stuff in your house while you are taking your sick kid to hospital.:rolleyes:
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

OK....popped around to Jamie's to survey the damage, and perhaps get a start, and with one thing leading to another, all it needs is a new low beam globe for the headlight, and to have that re-assembled to be on the road again. Will still be able to be ridden while waiting for the belly pan scuffs and headlight surround to be sorted.

The new bars, might be a good mod for anyone replacing theirs. These things took a big hit, and came out unscathed. The OEM ones would have bent like liquorice.

Started out by straigtening the the forks, which had twisted in the clamps....even to the point of having to loosen the front axle.

Had to straighten the right hand Oggie which was just at the point of mashing the frame, so that it could be undone. Replaced.

Changed out the footpegs on the Valtermoto rearsets, with the ones of his other set. Sorted.

Moved the bars back into position in the clamps. All good.

Belly pan removed to be taken to paint shop.

Headlight completely dissassembled to get everything straight, and replace the knackered globe in the low beam side. (unable to get one at

Had a few stumbling blocks, but all told, after the belly pan and headlight are fixed, the re-asesmbly from this point will take about an hour to be at the same point it was before the crash.:rockon:


We Can't take all the credit. Here's the dog exhausted after slaving awat over a hot motorbike.

View attachment 32594

Here's the bike as we left it for the night

View attachment 32595

Here's a blurry pic of the belly pan. Two nice big scuffs.

View attachment 32596

Bars, Oggies etc. all sorted.

View attachment 32597

A very scuffed and scraped headlight surround.

View attachment 32598

Wolfman unmasked:eek:

View attachment 32599

Sheared off peg.

View attachment 32600

Peg and Oggie sorted, with matching peg, on the other side.

View attachment 32601

Probably other stuff, but at nearly can read about it another
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

A shame something so beautiful got hurt! O, I feel bad for the bike too.:D Glad no serious damage. I know with your talents the bike will be back better then ever, and much improved I bet. Rest up and heal well.
re: Down goes my pride & joy! Crash! Grrrrrrr! NOW FIXED!

Well, tonight i decide to ride my newly FINISHED FZ6 streetfighter to work, just to get a feeling for my new handlebar set up! All was good till i got on the bike to ride home...

Left work,...rode to the first major intersection, stopped at the traffic lights, then took off when lighrs went green, to what was seemingly an open, and empty road ahead! apart from a drunken Pedestrian standing on the Median Strip, in the middle of the road, 40 metres ahead!

Well when i took off, not crazy fast, but enough zip to clear myself from the cars at the lights with me, when the drunk decides to run out into the middle of the road, straight into my path...i had no chance, could not avoid him...i go down, the bike goes down at about 55km/h...guesstimate!

Result, the bike that i just finished proclaiming to all those close to me, that i had finished spending money on, as i was now completely happy, well the result is a headlight that is in 2 pieces, the headlight itself, and the fairing in fromt of the light, no longer are as one...and the front of the headlight is scratched to f***....nice one, just got the f****** back from paint!!! Bellypan is scuffed, and will need to be filled, and re-painted....front end is bent...hopefully just twisted...right footpeg is snapped clean off! right frame slider is bent beyond belief, with about 10mm of it now missing...thankfully, it did not crack the frame!!! Left indicator destroyed, front fork slider scuffed, and the clutch lever and clutch lever mount are now sitting at 90 degree's to the handlebar's...not bent, just need to be turned around...

My Helmet is destroyed...and i have abrasions on my hands and knees, plus a bloody sore wrist, neck, and a very sore throat...

Am ok, Bike can be fixed, just right royally pissed off!!!! Cant even describe what i am feeling right now??? My poor f****** stupid pissed idiot!

Only good thing is, there were at least 3 witness's, and all said there was nothing i could do, he just leapt straight into my path!!!

No photo's yet, i will get around to that in the next day or so!!!

Was great fun riding the bike home with a twisted front end, no right footpeg, and a clutch lever that was sitting vertical...

At least the back half of the bike is unscathed...that would of been much work has gone into that!

Now excuse me while i go and try and find peace and solace in the fact that the bike is fixable, and i am ok...both of us are just a bit scuffed up and hurt!I need a choof, a beer!

More Freaking money & stress! Aaargh!

B0ll0cks, what a complete turd that guy is. Sorry to hear about this mate. Very pleased that you are OK. Damien will be resurrected again I'm sure.
Heal up well and I hope that twat doesn't think he has a case against you.

I had a similar wreck with a pedestrian wearing a Walkman who decided to hop out in front of me. My bike was only three weeks old. I was so angry with him that I left fly a torrent of abuse. I made him pee his pants lol.
