Double Yellows

Do you pass when there is a double yellow line?

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It really depends on the road and how fast they are going. If it's a long stretch of backroad with very low traffic I might. If it's in the city or a shorter stretch I'll just back off and be patient.
Well I'm from the UK originally and I would have never over taken on a solid line, because they are pretty good over there with when it's safe to overtake and when it isn't, same goes for speed limits. Here in Belgium you can have a clear strech of road where you can see for miles but have a 70 km/h speed limit with a solid line down the middle or you can have a blind bend with a dashed line in the middle. So in Belgium I use my own judgement as to how fast I can go and whether it's safe to overtake because the road signs mean jack.
I've been passed in my cage on both double-yellows and center turn lanes, but I won't do it myself. I pretend I have some respect for the law left in me. The thing I love about the FZ is that I can wait until I have a passing lane and blast past five or six cars all at once. The acceleration is amazing.
I have done it on group rides, but that is usually after a passing zone ends and we are going around the corner with the leaders signaling that it is still safe. Just to keep the group together and all. but typically i do not.
I'm with damnpoor on this. I try not to break the law. There's usually a good reason for the double yellow and it would very difficult to argue your way out of the ticket, GRUMPY
For the most part, I will generally try to wait until come up on a passing zone before I go around. The only time that I have passed on a double line was when I was stuck behind a farming truck that was doing 25Mph in a 45Mph and ensured that there were no oncoming vehicles.

Depends on the situation, I mostly stick with the road rules but if I need to I have (safety) issues of course.
Well, take US50, a highway between Lake Tahoe and Sacramento. There are many, many long stretches of double yellow and there are several passing lane sections. I don't pass on double yellows for three reasons (ir order of improtance): 1) this might set a very bad example for other motorists and who may be not be as capable and subsequently risk their/other's (including motorcylists!) lives in trying it 2) highway engineers have included several turnouts and passing lane sections and; 3) I can see why engineers double yellowed sections and when I see other motorists who disobey them in a reckless manner it really turns me off, so much that I don't want to be associated with the practice....even though it might be safe.
Rarely. There are spots on roads I know very very well, that I can see thru several curves because of elevation changes, and I know its clear. Normally I just back off and the catch up, back off and catch up till I get a passing lane.
Usually not, but occasionally when I'm riding with my hooligan friends I do otherwise the group would be all over the place. Sometime if I get caught behind an obnoxiously slow cage I will also. I never cross the double yellows in a turn or hill where there might be any chance of an oncoming car, doesnt make it right and if I get pulled over I'll just have to take the ticket, can't really argue that. Usually I'm on the backroads so LEOs arent as common.
The best thing to do is pass on double yellow with a semi coming the other way, just squeeze right between them!

i wouldn't think twice about it...

EDIT: they make passing lanes to be safe for cars to pass...
theres probably at least 5 safe places for a bike to pass between passing zones.
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I've maybe done it twice in my whole riding history out of the hundreds of opportunities where I could have or wanted to but didn't.
I don’t but then again I’m never in a hurry to begin with. In fact I’m the one that’s usually being passed.:Flash:
95% of the time I won't. But if I know the road very well, it has good visibility, and the vehicle I'm passing is driving under the limit I'll carefully pass. Never in a turn, ever. Way too risky.