Double Yellows

Do you pass when there is a double yellow line?

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I wouldn't. I recall that first scene in the horror movie Requiem to a Biker. The first crash scene was someone passing a truck on a double yellow. The truck made a left turn into a little street (maybe that was why the lines said "don't pass..."), hit the biker, probably killed him.
Well I'm from the UK originally and I would have never over taken on a solid line, because they are pretty good over there with when it's safe to overtake and when it isn't, same goes for speed limits. Here in Belgium you can have a clear strech of road where you can see for miles but have a 70 km/h speed limit with a solid line down the middle or you can have a blind bend with a dashed line in the middle. So in Belgium I use my own judgement as to how fast I can go and whether it's safe to overtake because the road signs mean jack.

I agree with you Matt, if you have a solid line in Britain it is there for a reason (and is generally evident too). In Holland it is different, there are some situations that the solid line is on a straight bit of road, without junctions :confused:
The worst thing is they recently changed a stretch of road near me by reducing the speed limit and painting solid lines on it, now on this road there are no obvious reasons for having done this (no corners, hills or junctions, it's not even an accident black spot). I must admit I frequently overtake on this stretch of road, when there is plenty of room to do so.
I'm more hesitant to do this on a road I don't know.
ALMOST NEVER! There is usually a good reason for them that I can't always see until it is too late. The only time I have is if it is a slow vehicle (farmer moving a tractor or something).
Good question!! I was riding from susanville to eagle lake today on a two lane double yellow thats about 30 miles long with few turnouts and no passing lanes. I came up on about 6 cars on my ride out to the lake. The people that respect a bikers desire to ride fast on windy roads will pull over, the people that don't care will continue their snail pace and not pull over.

Here's the way I think about it, I will follow a car at a reasonable distance until we reach a turnout, if they don't pull over or at least slow down for me to get by, I'll follow a little closer near the center of the road, letting them know that I want to get by them. \

If they refuse to pull over after the next turnout, I'll click it to 1st (usually doing about 30 mph on this road) and pass them on the next clear straight stretch. I won't pass unless I know that I have enough room even if a car was to come around the corner when I started to pass.
Much like Rob, I HAVE passed on a double solid on group rides, but only with super duper caution, and only when necessary to keep the group together. But, I would not do it ina normal situation.
Yeh specially when riding with the other south aus crew, have to try and keep up.

I,ll just come last thanks,lol

I just use my own judgement .

Use my own judgement too. When riding normally (95% of the time) i am very patient, and obey all road markings...especially with my son on the back.

If in Sports riding mode on a Sunday, and i am on the pipe, i will overtake on a double, or soild line, only if i can see at least 500metres ahead of where i am, it does help to have a bike that can get the job done very quickly & neatly like the FZ6.

Aussiejules will tell you jokingly that i am always on the wrong side of the road, but only when i consider it safe. I respect each riders personal limits, and am quite aware that others are different to mine.

I have a few of rules for myself, never put other road users at risk, never overtake on a bridge, blind corner, or near an intersection of any sort, never trust another vehicles indicator, never tailgate, and never act on what you think other vehicles are about to do.
I have done it on group rides, but that is usually after a passing zone ends and we are going around the corner with the leaders signaling that it is still safe. Just to keep the group together and all. but typically i do not.

+ 1,

I will say this, it's a much different situation on a bike vs a cage. We don't need nearly as much room as a cage, we have better visiblity and acceleration, thus passing on double yellows isn't as difficult or as dangerous. IMO.
Nope. Just won't do it. I don't even like to think about me chicken.

You folks have seen these at riders warehouse, right?



They used to sell another one that I bought. It reads: Ride like a knob and you will die.

word. /end rant :eek:)
I just don't even think in doing it. They painted the double yellow for something, and it needs to be respected; also you would expect for others to respect it when you are the one being passed.