Don't take the gravel road to Dump City


Junior Member
May 4, 2008
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Denver, Co. USA
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Went to visit some friends near Colorado Springs this morning. Great weather and left early enough to miss most traffic.

Rode a few miles on a gravel road to get to their place. Had a few dicey moments, but kept the rubber side down. The skinny front tire seems to dig into the gravel rather than up on top of it. For the most part, I kept the speed down and just let the bike plow it's way through the gravel. It appeared that any more than subtle steering input would probably cause the front to wash out.

Anyone have any additional tips for gravel roads?

Took a break at the rest stop at Monument Pass on i25. I'll work on the scenery next time!

The red bikes are more able to stay on top if you just apply more power . The blue ones don't have a chance .., lol
Yup its not fun riding on anything loose I tend to sit up as straight as I can and kinda let the bike float under me and I am always ready to drop feet down .. :D
Greg A.
That scenery looks real familiar!!!!
I slipped on some gravel this afternoon in Garden of the Gods, and down I went. Now I need a new fairing..... SH*T !!!!!
I don't like gravel and agree that the FZ does like to dig.......Statistics show most accidents happen close to home and I'm a believer. I have about 1/4mi of sand box with a little gravel thrown in to call the thing a passable county road before I get to pavement. Extreme slow speeds and feet dragging is the only way I can navigate. If I had more of this crap to drive on I think I would leave the bike at a buddies house somewhere down the road.
Drive it like a dirt bike, stand up and try to position more weight on the rear to keep the front from "Digging".. I like to rack it good and drift a little which also transfers weight to the rear.... The fz6 is a little heavy in the front so I generally "Help" it when I can..... I also really want to bust my flairing and make a street fighter.. So not for the folks who dig clean paint and nice bikes .......I guess... You did accomplish the most important rule however, And kept it top side up.... So congrats!!!!! I know some people who wont break the pavement for anything on a bike... I think It's good experience with minimal cost, Like just body panels and not body parts.... I drive old oil field roads all the time and it's a blast...Best part.... NO TRAFFIC!!!!:Sport:
15-25 mph usually depending on pack and how thick the gravel is the bike will begin to ride up on top of the gravel. You will feel it just like a boat coming up on plane. Keep the arms loose, wieght the pegs, and steer some with the throttle (steer kinda sorta hard to explain but sorta from the rear) Bikes go just fine down gravel. If you go slower than that its really kinda scary to me. You still have gyro stability, you still have traction, its just different.
The front end feels weird because the center of contact moves forward and back on differnt pieces of gravel. As you speed up, it kinda sorta averages out and feels good to me.