Documentary, Yamaha

I have this recorded on my DVR when it was playing on Discovery HD couple of year back. They had series of m/c videos. .Check out A* video. Hulu - Search. Also they have other motorcycle.
That was cool! Just last night while installing new forks I was pondering what the Logo meant (triple tuning fork) and always wondered if the music corporation was tied to the bikes (sure it was but not 100%).

For me in 1975 was my first Yamaha! Next yam'r would be a home audio surround sound and now the FZ!
Yamaha is one of the bbest engine builders out there, if not the best. they designed the engine in the lexus LF-A, and after they built it they sent it down to the music department to get it sound tune!!!
Kando, I want stickers made, I'm gonna see if my neighbor can make me a couple for the tank on the FZ:ban:
