Dent in tank and ego


Junior Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Well, it was my turn to lay it down today. :(

Went to supermarket up the road (about 1 km) for dog food.
On my way home traffic was banked up because a car was turning to a side street.
So i decided to split between the parked cars and the stationary cars.
As i was approaching the first car waiting, the car that was turning moved slightly forward. This gave the first car waiting an opening... he swerved in front of me just as i was coming past.

From what i can gather, my front wheel hit his front wheel. This caused my front end to wash out and i came down on my left hand side. The crash was not fast - perhaps 10-20km/hr.

It is summer here in Oz, luckily i was wearing my textile armoured Triumph jacket. My shoulder hit the deck, no damage at all to the jacket, but the armoured panel left a slight rubbing welt on my shoulder. I was wearing jeans however. As i came down, my knee and shoulder took the impact. Jeans ripped and have small coin sized gouge on my knee. Helmet did not hit the deck, BUT, the top did hit a wooden pole on the footpath just as i finished my little slide. My main concern and pain is from the bike landing on my lower left leg. Calf muscle has seized up from being caught between the road and bike. I'm hoping it is just bruising, not anything serious like muscle/tendon tear.

Unfortunately the part of the bike to take the main impact was the tank.
Big dent on the left hand side of the silver tank right on the Yamaha logo. Left bar end, left side frame join has small scuffs along with a couple other places. Riding the bike home it seemed fine (actually noticed the shifting was slightly smoother :confused:), but the bars seem a little off.

All in all, my fault for splitting, although the driver had no idea i was there!

Lesson learned.

Will post pics in the morning and ask for advice on repair.

Would the bars have bent on impact? Or just shifted?
Sorry to hear that, and to answer your question about the bars yes they could have bent on impact. I've had mine down a few times and just about every other time the bars got bent. As for the dent in the tank, you have a few options, I've herd of dry ice dent repairs, painless dent massaging but in my case I chose to show my dent off lol I put a couple band-aids on it :BLAA:
Sorry to hear that, and to answer your question about the bars yes they could have bent on impact. I've had mine down a few times and just about every other time the bars got bent. As for the dent in the tank, you have a few options, I've herd of dry ice dent repairs, painless dent massaging but in my case I chose to show my dent off lol I put a couple band-aids on it :BLAA:
Use a level to make sure the bars are level, Then measure from the end of the bar to the center of the front axel. They should be the same. If they are not you have bent something. Have your curvasious glamour model qualiy female assistant hold the front wheel while you try and twist the forks. If there is slack, rattles or any grinding noises you need a real mechanic to look at it.
Shadetree stuff only takes you so far.
Thank your frame sliders for not having real problems. What! No frame sliders? Shogun is having a sale. 39.99 Black or white.

Did the dog get fed?
Glad your ok, lesson learned...

The PO of my bike layed it down on both sides, the handle bars never bent. What did bend is the "fairing stay". Thats the part that holds the fairing to the frame(two large bolts at the very front of the frame at the steering head).

To check it, put the bike on the centerstand, sit on the bike and look dead ahead. If its bent, the mirrors, windshield, etc, will appear to be crooked. Depending on how hard it hit will determine how much it bent. Its under $200in the US and isn't terribly difficult to change out, just some time. Its a real PIA to try to straighten as its very ackward once its off the bike...The mirrors actually bolt to the stay.

Should it be bent, its also not unusual for the 4 tabs (4 phillips head screws showing), that hold the headlight assembly in, to also break off. I have one missing on mine and its fine. with the inner fairing off, you'll see the 4 screws(if still there).

1-11-2013, I missed it was a naked, please disregard the above..

Hopefully you've seen a doctor, the bike can be fixed later, don't put off fixing yourself....

And please post any updates on yourself and the bike... :thumbup:
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Thanks Guys...

Found a couple more bruises overnight....

Here is the main damage to the bike.


What would you recommend for tank fix, its the only thing that bothers me?
Would the damage have been less if the tank was full with fuel? my tank was almost empty at the time.

I'm not sure yet if the bars are bent, i suspect they are from looking at it, will need to test as suggested. Just not sure if bent or forks need re-aligning.

And yes.. the dog did get fed
Some band-aids will fix that right up

There really is a dent under there, almost identical to yours, just no one ever notices the dent lol

To all the guys on here I just want to throw it out there that there is a homeopathic remedy that works like magic.

A company called Boiron makes a kit with Arnica Montana 30c pellets and Arnicare gel. Arnica is indicated for strains/sprains/bruises and concussions. You put the pellets under your tongue and the gel on the bruised/sore spots. It cuts your healing time in half.

My most recent crash I hurt my thumb pretty bad and I thought it was either broken or badly sprained. Within 4 days I've taken the brace/splint off and pretty much have full use, with it only being just a little sore.

The kit goes for around $10-15 bucks and you won't be disappointed.
Well, bars were indeed bent, clearly seen by placing on a flat surface.
Bars have now been replaced and i'll use ChevyFazer's ingenious method for repairing the tank... for now.
I never realised that my FZ6 had the engine cage fitted by the PO (thought it was standard), without it it would have damaged a lot more of the bike
Wounds and bruises (turning from yellow to purple now!) healing nicely. Might just be able to move my left ankle enough to up-shift. No today though.. stinkin hot outside - hit 45C today!
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