Crazy pic

Damn! - They Cried.
I would use the ore to hit the sharky in the head; sending him back into the deep abyss. On the other hand, one can always admire the possibilities using Photoshop. :D
I'd rather highside @ 5o MPH

Although some have doubted its authenticity, the photograph is genuine. It was taken from the September 2005 issue of Africa Geographic. The article details a study of Great White Sharks in South Africa by biologists Michael C. Scholl and Thomas P. Peschak. Kayaks were used to study the sharks because, unlike the motorized research vessel, they could manoeuvre more easily in shallow or treacherous water and had no engine noise to disturb the sharks' natural behaviours. The authors explain more about the incident shown in the photograph:

Although we had extensively tested the sharks' reactions to an empty kayak and had observed no signs of aggression, this gave us little comfort as we eyed a great white heading straight for us, albeit slowly. Just a metre or so from the craft it veered off, circled and slowly approached from behind. It did this several times, occasionally lifting its head out of the water to get a better look. Then it lost interest, and as it continued on its way we were able to follow a short distance behind. Once we'd come to terms with having nothing between ourselves and a four-metre shark except a thin layer of plastic, our kayak made an ideal research platform for observing great white behaviour in shallow water.
The article provides a very interesting insight into Great White Sharks and includes a number of other excellent photographs.
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I'd punch it into submission and ride it like flipper!

One of my dreams is actually swimming with sharks, that would be so awesome.
One of my dreams is actually swimming with sharks, that would be so awesome.
That would be a intense experience. I have gone swimming in the middle of the ocean in Mexico in the Yucatan near Cozumel i think, it was awesome, a bunch of 5 feet barracuda's around, biiiig sting rays, lots of tropical fish, a sea turtle but no sharks :D
Was pretty amazed with this pic, i cant imagine how i'd feel if that happened to me :scared:
What would really be impressive, is if he caught it on line and hook and landed it using that boat lol. Can you imagine how much batter and spuds you would need for that?

I'd punch it into submission and ride it like flipper!

One of my dreams is actually swimming with sharks, that would be so awesome.

I was scuba diving with a group off Sydney once, and we came to a ledge where there were about 6 gray nurse sharks cruising around. They look a lot like great whites. These were about eight feet long. I was getting ready to panic, but the people I was with, who had been there before, didn't seem bothered by it, so I just settled down and enjoyed the show. Occassionally they'd come at you and veer off, but none of it seemed to threatening. This type of shark is not (apparently) a danger to humans, although it looked big enough to do some serious damage if it was inclined.
He He, well, human spew (chunder, vomit, whatever you want to call it) is one of the best berley's around.. fish go nuts for

Big Great Whites are damn scary, I saw one when I was younger, my mate caught it. Took him 8 hours to reel it in... 18' long, weighed 1.5 tonnes. I saw it on the back of a truck and it was a monster. I am a recreational scuba diver, have been lucky enough to have missed any encounters with those many-toothed buggers, but, we are invading their territory when we enter the water.

There was a great white in the Monterey Bay acquarium for a while. I saw it in their huge "outer reef" tank - really an amazing animal. Killing machine sums it up. They kept it hugely overfed so it wouldn't munch on the tunas and sunfish in the tank with it, but to no avail. It just ate for the fun of it. While they had it, there was a huge upsurge in attendance at the aquarium (as if another person could even be jammed in there - each time I've ever gone it's been so crowded it's hard to move around inside). But there was quite a bit of criticism of this too, because it was such a popular attraction that people were concerned that it would become a "must have" if you claim to be a big-time aquarium, and it might lead to further hunting of the already over hunted fish.