

Junior Member
Oct 11, 2014
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I went out for a ride today. It was 70 degrees and I figured there aren't too many nice days left for the year. I did quite a bit of spirited riding, and in general had a good time. Stopped and filled up the bike, after putting a solid 100 miles on. Did a little cruising around town before heading home. Went to make a right hand turn, and noticed there was quite a bit of gravel (business has a gravel lot next door.) Before I could act, I felt the front end start to give way. So I straightened bike back up a little to try and get to where there wasn't as much gravel. Slid again and lost it. I think the bike hit the curb, because it ended up facing the other direction. I skidded a little bit. I would guess my speed on corner entry was 15-20 mph.

Damage to the bike consists of cracked fairing, scratched side cases, and a broken brake lever. When I got home, I noticed the bars weren't pointing the same direction as the front wheel, so I assume the forks are toast. I was able to ride it the 1.5 miles home.

As far as gear, I was wearing everything but riding pants. (I've been meaning to buy a pair...) Me knee is kinda rashed up. My AGV helmet has a little rash on the visor, but the actual shell looks fine, save a spot where I think a piece of gravel got the paint. My A-Stars Megaton jacket has some rash on the right arm. The stitching pulled out where the sleeve is sewed to the body. My a-stars boot and gloves have very minimal rash, and are fine.

I will have to call insurance in the morning and see what they say. I have full coverage through State Farm, and they have been very easy to deal with in the past. I've only every had one other claim in 15 years of being insured with them, and it was a deer hit on a pickup. I am hoping I can claim it without my rates going way up.

Anyways, other than the scraped up knee and my ankle being a sore, I am physically fine. After 100 miles of hard riding, a slow move onto a side street ruined my day. So I am a little pissed off at myself. I will say I am very glad I have spent the money to buy good gear. I don't know what will come of the bike, but I would fashion a guess it will be totaled. And to think I was looking at goodies to install over the winter...
I'm so sorry to hear this! But happy to hear you're relatively unscathed.
I hope State Farm treats you well :) and you'll let us know how it goes
Glad to hear you aren't hurt (too badly), the forks could be okay, you might have just torqued them inside the triple clamps, loosen them off and you might find you can put it back to straight. I'd still check the stations to make sure they aren't bent though. Might not be a write off, and you potentially could avoid insurance and just make her naked...
Sorry to hear about your down, could have been worse. Sounds like the ego is a little bruised, but the rest of you is ok. You walked away from this one and that's a plus.

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I don't like reading about our members hitting the deck but I'm glad your able to tell the tale your self.

Heal up fast and I hope the insurance will cover repairs

...and get your self some proper strides, and protect your knees....( not that you need to be reminded how important gear is now)
Always a good thing to walk away to ride another day! :) Glad you're okay and I second that the forks may just be torqued in the triples.

I will take more pics tomorrow, but this is how my front wheel points when the bars are pointed straight.

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Glad your ok. I don't think they would total it, even if the forks were bent. Loosen all he the triple clamps, and see if everything lines up. Also, make sure that your handlebar isn't just bent itself. Depending on your deductible, it might not even be worth going through insurance. You can get a set of new adjustable levers for $50, used fairings on here sell for a couple hundred bucks (if you can't rapair the crack), and if the case is still functional, I'd leave that alone.
Glad your ok and heal up quick...

Plus one on loosening the forks (front end with no load on it-CC with sizzor jack under the header, tire just touching).

Crack loose the triples, axle, axle clamp and do the" old bicycle ft wheel alignment trick". I'd bet it straightens out.

With the cracked fairing, pay attention to main stay. It doesn't take much to bend that. Simply sit on the bike, on the CC and look forward. its pretty easy to see 1/2" difference when looking forward if the fairing is straight or not.

Depending on your deductible, it may very well be cheaper to fix it yourself and NOT have "re-built title" should they total it (not likely from what you describe).
Head back from the dealer today. Their estimate is $4700, mainly due to the frame. Now to see what the insurance company has to say...

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I'll have to wait and see what the settlement is so I know what my budget is. I had. Fleeting thought of buying it off the insurance company and making a shifter kart. Wife says that's probably not a good idea...

At least they will take good care of me with my gear. I just need to buy new, send them the receipt, and they will reimburse me.

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Did you crack your frame? or chip a piece off? I missed that part in the original post.

I was expecting this to be a couple hundred dollar fix for the fairing mostly
I didn't notice any issues with the frame other than where it drug the ground. It has some pitting from rocks. The shop doing the estimate said they found more damage. I am not sure if it is cracked or if the stem is bent. Either way, they said it needed replaced.

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Sounds like it's a write-off. Take the money and put toward a newer bike. Like S1000XR :) or well, maybe FJ09.
There is always a dangerous obstacles to look for in a turn when on a bike, like gravel, oil...
I plan on buying a newer bike, and an fj-09 is on the short list. I will probably end up with a dual sport. I don't live far from work, and with kids finding free time to go for nice long rides by myself is getting harder to come by. However, if I change jobs, and have to commute, I will definitely pick up an fj. Hopefully they add cruise before I buy one.

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Glad you're okay, and glad you found loose gravel at 15 mph and not during your "spirited" riding.
Might want to check the threads on R6 forks... :wink:
State Farm has been fantastic to deal with, for me, for the past 40 (eep!) years, hopefully things work out for you.
As expected, they are going to total it. They figured it was worth about $3900 so I get that minus my 500 deductible.

With that said, I am going to miss the bike. Really was a nice all arounder. Guess I'll be putting my luggage up for sale soon.

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