couple gold flakes in oil


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2013
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south wales united kingdom
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Hey guys so i Changed my oil and filter today
I found a couple literally a couple peices of gold metal in the oil they are about 0.02 mm in size
The oil wasnt glittery or anything. Should i be worried?

Im going to get a magnetic sump plug and keep an eye on it for now i cant afford for it to blow up on me lol
gold (bronze) is what the crank shaft bearings are made of. It's actually pretty normal to have some show up in the motor oil from time to time but normal wear is very small (pepper sized) specks that can only be seen in the sunlight.
gold (bronze) is what the crank shaft bearings are made of. It's actually pretty normal to have some show up in the motor oil from time to time but normal wear is very small (pepper sized) specks that can only be seen in the sunlight.

Rod and main bearings are like three metals - steel backing, copper, and lead or some derivative of it.

IMO - finding that copper color in your oil is not a good sign or normal as that means the first layer (the soft lead) has been penetrated.

I'm wondering if its stator material? Something hit a wire and made bits???

[MENTION=24448]Dannyrose1[/MENTION] any chance you can zoom in and grab a picture?

I'd also opt to cut open the oil filter if it were mine. Just so I know. Take a look here.

PS - I just changed mine last night. Much to my surprise there was nothing left in the pan but dirty oil... :thumbup:
Seeing small metal specs in the oil of a newer engine is normal. 10K+ miles, maybe not a good sign.
Seeing small metal specs in the oil of a newer engine is normal. 10K+ miles, maybe not a good sign.

True on new! I know the first few oil changes on mine had bits in there. Most were were steel slivers maybe 1mm long tops. Its what prompted the filter hack.

Snap shot was this: I bought it used with ONE OC at 600 miles. So it had 3 year old oil in it with 4300 miles when I picked it up.
Ill cut the oil filter apart later and see if there is anything in there ill see if i can find those little flakes again later ans get a picture up thanks for the heads up ill speak to my local garage :(((
Guys i couldnt get a picture they wouldnt show up
But i found they are not magnetic is this a good sign?
Im gunna drop thr oil in a few days through a super fine filter and see what comes out because as i found i couldnt get the filter apart without destroying it lol
Ok so update . Dropped the oil just now. Good news is no flakes... Bad news is oil looks like glitter....

I'd invest on getting the oil analyzed.

Eliminate all the guessing. Glitter is NOT GOOD...

Just curious,

How many miles, type of oil, how long have YOU owned the bike, etc?

Good luck..
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If you do mostly city riding and slipping the clutch is the norm - hills in traffic come to mind i.e. crawling at slower than walking pace up hill, the clutch plates wear the friction plates and in the sun, you'll see a sheen of metallic in the oil. This would not be uncommon.

So is it fair to say it:
- runs good
- shifts good
- sounds normal (as it has)
- functions as it should (has)

? Has anything changed and have you always been doing the oil change?

Also, yes, the filter will be destroyed - you have to get to the pleats inside like so. From:




Some liquid Yummies.... I'm, pretty sure there would be a sheen like you describe from this.... :eek: