what is in my filter


Junior Member
Nov 21, 2007
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Central Square NY
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attached is the pic of the filter.

getting ready for riding season here in CNY i went and did my oil change. this is my first change since i went full syn. (using royal purple, started at 1000mi, at 4300 now.) i noticed 2 little metal flakes on my magnetic drain plug so i was interested to see what the 14610 pureone filter had caught. i took the filter into work and opened it up using a pipe cutter so no contaminates would get into the filter. what i found seems to be little red paint specks :eek: . perhaps you guys now of something inside the crankcase that is painted red? what could this be? any ideas?
paint? a silicone sealant maybe that went through the oil pump. there should be nothing in your oil system other than oil, combustion by products and whatever metal wear from engine use (though you shouldn't be about to see it)

I can't imagine paint. It's hard to tell without seeing it in person. What does the material look to be made of.
Sure dont know man. Its in the filter and not the engine though so that is good news
Some metal particles on your drain plug is normal. You should less of it as the engine continues to break in. My fathers KTM had a magnetic drain plug on it and for the first season, there was always some debris on it.

As for the paint, my guess is that it is some sort of sealant as well. However, you dont know if those red specs were in the filter to begin with.

a rtv sealant seems to make since. its true that the filter is doing its job, i just hope that it wasn't in the filter to begin with. looks like i will see if there is more foreign red stuff in the filter in 3000mi. i will check it again , how long do you think the rtv would be falling apart inside the engine, and do you think its probably excess or a seal thats coming apart.