ConvertiBar Install

I will be installing this mod on my '05 soon but first I would like to know if I could buy one of those top clamps through you?
I will be installing this mod on my '05 soon but first I would like to know if I could buy one of those top clamps through you?

No, I had the top clamp custom made through a local machine shop. The cost to tool up an have another made would be about $2,500.

When I sold my FZ I sold all my mods. I don't recall who purchased it from me, but they are on this board. Maybe it's for sale again???
I apologize for bringing up an old thread. I just bought these and before I install them on my 06', were there any issues with the throttle side? I see the switch box holes on the bars, but are they actually functional?
I just installed these on my 2006...will post a video of a problem I ran into in terms of clearance with the fairing on the 06' models. Seems like the 2006's don't have too much play between the cyclops clamp and the side fairing.