cold tires are a real pain


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Feb 24, 2011
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So... call me an idiot

I'm an idiot, and a bit of a sore idiot, nothing broken just a slider grazed, a brake pedal scuffed, a screw slighly ground down, the new leather jacket broken in, a bit of road rash through the draggins and a bit of experience gained.

Stupid stupid me took off out my drive, not 5 minutes after Kez said careful,the roads are icy( and there is no actual ice but the weather dropped to 3 C over night so its cool), any way I took off as per usual and not even into second gear and the bike is spinning up the road and stopping in front of next doors house, and I'm sitting in the middle of the road going "what just happened there?', I didnt even take off as hard as normally!
So this all happened less than 45 minutes ago and now I'm having a cuppa and checking the bike and topping up the coolant and starting to feel a twinge in the muscles in my side and across my ribs
heres a couple of pics, I did a nice job on that oggy knob, and the drive way just beyond that tree behind the bike is where I took off from.
And looking at the two scapes uo the road, the bike went further on its side than it had with me on it
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:eek: Yikes! Glad there wasn't any serious damage to you or your bike. Hope those twinges heal quickly.
thanks Ron, the worst thing was it was sitting smack dab in the middle of the road and thewre have been trucks and vans going to the building works up the road and thios is the busy time of day, just lucky in that respect.
Just told the boss I'm taking the day off and doing a proper check over the bike and I'll go for a ride when it warms up a bit- "get back on that horse..."
feeling more muscles that tightened up or maybe a result of lifting the bike- although I gotta say that technique of lifting the bike facing away from it with your legs doing all the work is a real winner.
If folks dont know about it google "girl lifts harley
Oh man.. so sorry, Adrian :(

Glad you're not seriously hurt. Those twinges could just be nerves.
Don't beat yourself up over having that off. Any chance you hit some black ice or frost or something else slippery in that shady area? Thankfully I haven't experienced any cold tire slippage when I've been out near freezing. (Hot tar snakes and gravel on the road from heavy rains are my current scourge as summer arrives here.)

I had to use that lifting technique myself last month -- inside my own garage! :rolleyes: Dropped it maneuvering up my steep drive, around the car, and into the narrow garage. Mashed on the front brake too hard with the bars turned right, and kerplunk! Snapped a mirror off when it smacked the lawnmower, but the frame slider protected everything else. Yes, I felt like quite the fool for a while, too, but I laugh about it now.

Now, take a few deep breaths, order yourself a shiny new oggy knob, maybe a pint or two of a refreshing beverage at lunch, and enjoy your long weekend!
Can't tell you how many times I've used that bike lifting technique!! Teaching MSF = lifting a bike at least once that weekend.. sometimes as many as 5-6 times :rolleyes:

Here's a tip: (in case it's not covered in videos). If the bike is on its right side, move the sidestand out while the bike is still on its side! Since you'll be lifting it towards the sidestand, without the sidestand you'll have to either walk around the bike while holding it up or swing your leg over it. If you put sidestand into "down" position before lifting, you can just lift all the way and let the bike tip onto the stand :D
Glad you're okay Ade! :) Yeah, you'll probably feel it the next few days.
That sucks mate.
Your the second person I know this week who has done that, my partners nephew did the same on his r6 and wrote it off !
Holy crap Ade :eek: :eek: Glad you & the bike a relatively unscathed though !!! Seriously , what did happen I wonder ?? I have taken off real hard out my driveway & NEVER had so much as a squirm... Im thinking there is more to it , crap in the gutter on your way out the drive maybe ?? Loose gravel from the building site ?? :don'tknow:
thanks for the concern folks

i am pretty tender across the ribs on rh side and i was thinking ill have to see how that goes bit of a twinge on the tail of a real deep breath cant really tell if its only muscular yet
as for the road there is a bit of embedded clay in the surface in spots no gravel or real silt build up im thinking just reallycold tyres
I have arced it up in the past for a little bit of wheel spin on a wet oily road but i have to really go for it to lose traction - thats what has taken me by surprise by todays off coz i didn't push it
i just came back from a an hour ride on the freewayfor some speed and thru the 'burbs for a bit of traffic interaction
pleased to say that my confidence hasnt suffered im still wary of cagers and still hitting the local corners at the same pace
just gonna be real cautious first thing in the morning while we have this über cold snap
just about to go out again.... seeing as i took a sickie, I'll call this 'remedial riding'

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Really sorry to hear this Adrian, luckily both you and the bike seem relatively OK. Hope the aches and pains passes soon.

Pleased to hear that your confidence hasn't suffered :thumbup:.
the naked wasp stung you!

seriously. i m happy for both of you that you came out relatively unscathed and there was no traffic to make matters worse. get checked by a doc if you haven't. glad to know you still rock the confidence.
the naked wasp stung you!

ha ha i hadnt thought about that
the good lady wife has since confirmed there was a bunch of frosty ice everywhere this morning
she had to scrape it off the car before she headed to work my bad for not paying due attention

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So... call me an idiot

I'm an idiot, and a bit of a sore idiot, nothing broken just a slider grazed, a brake pedal scuffed, a screw slighly ground down, the new leather jacket broken in, a bit of road rash through the draggins and a bit of experience gained.

Stupid stupid me took off out my drive, not 5 minutes after Kez said careful,the roads are icy( and there is no actual ice but the weather dropped to 3 C over night so its cool), any way I took off as per usual and not even into second gear and the bike is spinning up the road and stopping in front of next doors house, and I'm sitting in the middle of the road going "what just happened there?', I didnt even take off as hard as normally!
So this all happened less than 45 minutes ago and now I'm having a cuppa and checking the bike and topping up the coolant and starting to feel a twinge in the muscles in my side and across my ribs
heres a couple of pics, I did a nice job on that oggy knob, and the drive way just beyond that tree behind the bike is where I took off from.
And looking at the two scapes uo the road, the bike went further on its side than it had with me on it
Mate don't be to be hard on yourself, it happens and we all learn from them.
If it makes you feel any better I had a flop and drop today. Came home from 13 hour night shift and stopped in a part of the yard I never use. The ground was 15cm lower on the left side where I tried to put my foot. As I have stubby legs I had to drop the bike. My recent fairing repair now needs to be repaired.

sorry to hear your gonna have to do the fairing again neil but your ok and thats what really matters when we drop our pride and joy

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good news for me

no broken or cracked ribs, muscle tears only
a big relief but i feel for David (wavex)
i can only imagine his level of discomfort
get well soon man!

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