Clutch Slave Levers - I'm making them again

Does anyone know the part number for the bracket? I'm ordering a new part so I don't have to take the bike down, and I found the part for the lever. But I can't find the part number for the bracket.
Hello all - Update:
I want to first apologize to all the guys who have been waiting a long time for their levers. I know I've been terrible with the communication and equally terrible at keeping my supplies up. :spank:

First I ran out of the chromoly tubing I use to make the extension on the hanger, then I somehow lost the plastic washers I use to isolate the swivel part, then I managed to melt the entire plastic jar of flat black powder coat that I use to coat the parts, rendering it useless. Between this, and starting my awesome new career, my car being broken, and being out of town for a couple of weeks, I haven't been able to ship these things out in a timely fashion. That being said, I have 7 completed levers to ship out tomorrow. I do not, however, think I can keep this endeavor going for the near future, so for the time being, NO MORE ORDERS PLEASE. Those of you who have already sent paypal and parts will certainly get your parts made and shipped out ASAP.

I really appreciate having the opportunity to do this for you guys, and I hope you guys understand that without the massive peer pressure, I wouldn't have kept making these. Quite honestly, I haven't even ridden my poor fizzy this year. She has been basically wasting away in my driveway needing new fork seals, tires, chain, paint, and some electrical work. :disapprove:

Maybe I can start this up again this winter if another group of people want to jump in. And if someone is a decent fabricator, knows how to tig weld, has a few tools (lathe, tig welder, grinder, BFH, etc), and has a lot more free time than I do, I wouldn't mind giving away the jigs, tools, and the cad drawing for the lever blank for someone else to take the reins.

I will gladly take over.

I just quit my day job at Tesla motors as a Machinist/fabricator to work for myself. I have the time and equipment.

Let me know if the offer stands!
I'm in for one as well if production does start back up... otherwise I'm tempted to look further into this after the New Year to begin a new fabrication process. I won't have a shop to work on my bike until then unfortunately.

Wanted for 2006 FZ6
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Hey killer i have a slave lever and bracket that i can send FOC I'll cover shipping too et me know when they'll come in handy and I'll whack'em in the mail


Btw i love this mod its gotta be up there on a par with rear sets but if there was only one to choose- this is the best for novices, newbies, and experinced riders too - changes the FZ to a different type of ride

Hey my offer still stands.
but I will put a proviso on me sending the parts. I would like these to be part of a swap out type deal. And it has to be for someone who rides as a daily commuter and cant really have their ride off the road. So when whoever gets the finished part and fits it then sends their original lever and bracket to have modified. Is that a fair ask.

All I want out of this, is to know someone else is getting this great mod!

So if you commute daily, I can send you the parts or if you let notaduc know that my parts are for you, I'm sure we can swing it.