Clutch Slave Levers - I'm making them again


I'm shipping you my cores today. You should have them in a few days. Great mod, thanks! :thumbup:
Just got back from my hols and found a customs slip for £15.28 outside my door. :( I was wracking my brains for ages to try and guess what it was for. Now I know. This mod has now cost me $60. :banghead: Gonna collect the parcel & pay today/tomorrow. Hope it's worth it!
Just ordered the parts and will send them to you as soon as I get them and you approve. What do I do for payment, and where do I ship to?


Go back a few pages you will see the info if I was at home I'd find it for you but it's a PITA on my cell. Send the money via PayPal and post transaction on thread should get you in line.
Payment sent. $70 on 9/6/12 Paypal transaction id is 70952883YK761742D

Shipping info and forum username are in the details.

Looking forward to getting this done.
Thanks KN!
Awesome. I'll just have to find time to install it and bd43's mod and some other wiring for accessories.
Got mine installed finally. Definitely much smoother and easier than stock. I have mine on the longest setting (as provided). I have shorter levers so this may be why I need the extra leverage. It's easy enough to use the clutch now that if I had shorter levers I could two-finger the clutch!

Thanks very much.

A note for anyone else removing the e-clip. Buy one of these. I didn't and of course the clip has flown somewhere I can't find. When I bought the correct pliers, I bought this set too and one of them fitted perfectly even though it's a different type of clip. They're bound to be needed in the future anyway (that's how I justified buying the extra bits).

So if anyone needs to: this type can also be used (no idea about the size though):-