Chevyfazer wrecked again, bad this time

Oh yeah there will be another bike in the future, not sure how far in the future because of my shoulder. After my lung collapse 2yrs ago with no insurance I ended up getting lots of great insurance including a living life insurance policy along with accident insurance so I should be able to get whatever the hell I want, just not sure what it will be yet. Most likely a FZ1 but what whatever I get it WONT have boxes lol
"Whatever the hell I want" creates quite a few options I could drool over, looking forward to the "my next bike" thread in the future, get well soon first though ;)
Hoping for a speedy recovery for you.

When you have time, please tell us what gear you did have, and how well it worked (or didn't).
Ouch. Thank goodness you're OK. I can't believe you had the presence of mind to take photos!

I'm so glad you posted your story, though. Dh and I are taking a Goldwing out for a ride today, and it has more suitcases bolted to it than any bike should have.
Man! Every time I think about scary driving situations I think of the time I rode in ATL traffic for 2 days for a cousin's wedding and that was weekend traffic.

I am glad you will recover and live to ride another day! Be safe out there. commuters are some scary people to ride around on the freeway!

Yikes. Yes, better the V-strom than you! :eek:

I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope you have really good health insurance! I'd be refusing treatment and trying to escape out the window after a couple of days with mine. :BLAA:
With most health insurance if you leave the hospital without being discharged your insurance company will refuse to pay anything and you'll get stuck with the entire bill! My wife is a nurse.
Glad to hear that you are OK and thankful that you had on the gear that you did.

Always a good wake up call to hear of pretty substantial injuries even with good gear on. Imagine how your shoulder would have turned out without gear :-O
Praise the good Lord it wasn't worse than that. Glad you're still kicking and hope you get back on two wheels soon.
Looking at my helmet myself kinda made the reality of how close I came set in. Seeing all the different scratches, burns, and gouges going different directions.... It's obvious I hit alot harder than I thought and must have went further than I thought....
Have you ever thought about what it would have been like if you were not wearing your helmet?

Here in Idaho, helmet is an option. Lost two riders over the weekend, both from blunt force trauma to the head, both weren't wearing a helmet. Can you believe that there are people on the local forum who are defending them blaming their deaths on the road or other highway users?
Looking at my helmet myself kinda made the reality of how close I came set in. Seeing all the different scratches, burns, and gouges going different directions.... It's obvious I hit alot harder than I thought and must have went further than I thought....

You did some rollin about there. How'd your head and neck feel in the days after the crash? FWIW: im sportin the same bell - different paint scheme tho! Glad it held up!
Q? Anything they can do for them broken parts? You get pinned together or what?
Have you ever thought about what it would have been like if you were not wearing your helmet?

Here in Idaho, helmet is an option. Lost two riders over the weekend, both from blunt force trauma to the head, both weren't wearing a helmet. Can you believe that there are people on the local forum who are defending them blaming their deaths on the road or other highway users?

Sure I can because events are made up of several different factors.

Life is balance between enjoyment and risk. No one knows how much more enjoyment those riders get of riding with no helmet that is for them to know and balance against the increased risks to determine if it is worth it for them.
Dang, Chevy. I haven't logged on here for a couple of weeks and this is the first thing I see. Glad you are in good spirits and in the healing phase.

Just yesterday I read an article where Austin, TX (where I live) is the 4th worst traffic in the nation. I hate riding in the city but there's a lot of good places in the country around it to ride.

Lessee, now you have a lot of time to think about the next bike you'll get. Get a Harley, they never crash! Well, at least they don't wear the gear as if...

In Texas I always wear a helmet no matter how hot it gets. I got nailed by two bugs in the neck today, stung. Got nailed in the visor several times by BIG bugs - coulda been my face. It's optional here as long as you've gone through the MSF course but I don't care. I've seen too many downs without helmets and the outcomes to NOT leave home without it. I do admit to riding once in a while without my overpants on. I know the risks.
I'm very sorry for your accident and loss, on the other hand I'm very happy you are with good spirits and on your way to recovery.

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Personally, as many times as I've been down I think it's just stupid to not wear a helmet, but that is my opinion. If someone else chooses to not wear one that is theirs, but I'm a walking example of sometime **** happens :BLAA:

As far as my neck goes, no honestly the only thing that bothered me was everything on my right side, maybe all that hurt to much for me to notice my neck lol when I first went in to the hospital they were originally talking about having to do surgery but after other X-rays they found that my ball and socket were not impacted so they opted no surgery and just gave me a sling. Honestly I wasn't too pleased with the hospital though, the ER/Trauma was excellent and Grady is known worldwide for their trauma center so that's to be expected. But I plan on going somewhere else fairly soon for physical therapy and a 2nd opinion on my shoulder, and if I don't stop coughing up blood my lungs too.

One more thing about helmets, this happened to me about 2 months ago with my helmet on but visor up, just another reminder that anything can and does happen. If your squeamish about blood turn away now

Don't have a clue what hit me but it wouldn't stop bleedingView attachment 47995