Can someone explain / recommend good eye protection?

On amber lenses (story time): I've only used amber sunglasses once. I was elected to drive home from the beach, as I was the only one not wasted. It had been a long day in the sun, I was parched, burnt, hot and tired. The only sunglasses available were a pair of Blueblockers (amber lenses). Putting those things on my face turned the world into a desolate, post-apocalyptic, desert wasteland - straight out of Mad Max. I hated every second and will never wear amber again.

youre welcome.
if you don't want to wear a helmet, take your car or walk. I wear glasses inside my lid, I wore them when I rode dirtbikes, I had a nasty get off and broke my femur and was knocked out, my glasses didn't cause any problems.
I have a clear polarized visor on my helmet. I use it every morning on my way to work @ 5AM. On the way home, I use cheap polarized grey sunglasses under the visor, which results in weird colors on the pavement, but no other problems so far... I do know that you can take 2 pairs of polarized glasses, move them around a little, and block out all light, but to me it seems to beat squinting uncomfortably, and I've never had vision trouble (colors aside) on the road! Maybe I need amber?
I always wear sunglasses under my helmet, either my Okley or Wiley X or whatever is at hand... I like to wear the glasses during the day, and put up my clear visor when I'm at low speeds (25 - 35 mph) or at a stop. I have had a few bugs fly into my helmet which is kinda nerve racking... Just turn your head and hope the bug makes it's way out.

I've always wondered about going with a colored visor, but was worried because I heard some tend to reflect bad, and looking at my own face wouldn't be cool. Never tried it so I don't know if that is true or not.

If you have Arai, I believed now they came with many different color then before, friends of mine got yellow and I got mine in blue and they re not mirror so other people still can see your eyes direction or contact with other people, I wasnt used too but after awhile and got hit by bugs when cruising around, it did bug me and can cause accident caught by surprise
so wear full face helmet that s my 2cents

Are there any safety issues with wearing sunglasses under a full faced helmet? Would having the glasses on under the helmet hurt you in any way during a crash? My helmet has a clear visor as well, and I think it would be easier to throw on a pair of sunglasses during the day instead of having to swap out the visor with darker one.
When I don't have my helmet on (not too often) I've been wearing just a regular pair of sunglasses. I wanted to buy a better pair that are made for motorcycle riding. Also, it's pretty hard for me to see with them at night.

What do you guys wear (style and brand)?

I've seen lots out there and don't really know what's good. Most come in the option of smoked, clear, and amber lenses. A couple pairs that I'm considering come with all 3 lenses and are interchangeable. Smoked is for day, and clear is for night... so when do you use amber lenses and what are they for?

I've also seen more expensive transitional lenses that get lighter or darker depending on the amount of light outside. Has anyone worn these?



The amber lenses improve your night sight and reduce glare from oncoming headlights and will also make those invisible white lines easier to see in the wet at night. I've been using them for years. I have the Ocean interchangeable goggles.

With the transitional lenses I do know that they don't work well through a car windscreen due to it filtering UV light. You may want to find out from the manufacturer if they'll work through a visor. ( The ex used to work for Transitions)
Hope this helps.
I'm new to the bike world and dont have a bike yet, but i know just as they stated before if im leaving to go anywhere i'll be wearing a full face helmet... its that one time that you think you'll be fine that you get hurt the worst. I did have the question about tinted visors and night time. Basically what ive gathered for that is bring a pair of clear glasses and wear them while ou have your visor up. I know on my long trip home i'll do that, or keep a spare clear visor in my bag to switch out as night fall comes.
Except for night time I always wear an old pair of Ray Ban Wayfarers, you know, the Tom Cruise Risky Business shades. The straight bows fit under my lid, which I wear ALL OF THE TIME BTW, just fine. The frames are strong so they don't break and I like the quality of the Ray Ban lenses. My Oakleys don't fit well at all because the bows flare out a bit. With the sunglasses I can flip the visor up at traffic lights and stay a bit cooler.

Be careful, rayban lenses are made of glass. I know because I took my old raybans to have prescription lenses put in and they shattered one of the old lenses.