Headlight Covers (Lens Shield)


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Lancs | Hants, UK
So I've been looking at headlight covers recently, more so for styling over protection... I've come across a few different brands and theres very little difference in price, so I'm presuming they probably all come from the same factory! I'm pretty settled on the Powerbronze shields, more than likely the light tint (smoked, not the blue shown in the link!) or clear.

My questions to the all mighty forum... has anybody got or had any experience with these lenses and riding at night time? Obviously the coloured and iridium shields are a legal no go; more so the tinted and clear... Do they have any adverse effects on the light refracting/diffusing through them? Will a smoked lens be likey to dull the brightness of the light? Does anybody have any photos they could post?

I'm not too keen on the idea of having bought Osram Nightbreakers just to compromise their effectiveness by slapping a sheet of (be it, very attractive) plastic over the top! As always, your help is much appriciated! :thumbup:
Lens covers seem to make about as much sense as riding with sunglasses on at night.

I understand the aspect of "form over function" (just look at some of my mods), but when it comes to headlights, I wouldn't want to purposly make them less effective.

You said it yourself, you just upgraded to Osram Nightbreakers and now you want to comprimse their effectiveness. I think you know the answer, you just don't want to admit it! ;)

It will dull your light output, that's for sure. Not sure of any legal rammifications either.

I know there was another post on here about someone who bought some lens covers and they din't fit well at all. Not sure if they were Powerbronze or not. At anypoint, the guys was not happy and I don't think ever put them on.

In the end it's your bike and you are of course free to do whatever you wish. If you did go with them I'd say they'd probably be fine in the day, just remove them for any night riding. Migt be a 'summer time' only mod.
Any tint you put in between the light source and the road will diminish output. That includes coatings on the bulbs themselves. Not worth it IMHO.
I bought light tint PowerBronze ones for my last bike (GPZ500S) because I was getting stone chips on the headlight and the tinted one was cheap. It made it look different when the light was off and when the light was on it didn't make any when looking at it. It reduced the light output a tiny bit, but not much.

The problem was it was ****. They give you a really stupid fixing system that means there is a gap of about 5mm in between the shield and the headlight lense. It also wasn't a good match size/shape-wise if you held it close to the lense. I tried a few different methods for fixing it and eventually gave up as it just looked awful! I didn't even bother trying to sell it when I got rid of the bike and just chucked it in the bin.

Just my 2 pence.
I tried these on my '06 a couple of years ago, but never actually rode with them on, both because I didn't like the diminished light output and for the same reason Sanger mentioned, that is, the mounting system.

With mine, you put 4 patches of velcro (about an inch square each) on each corner of the headlight. Not only was it ugly when the lights were on, since you could see these little black squares behind the lens, but as Sanger said, the lens sat out a bit from the headlight lens and I wasn't convinced it wouldn't just blow off.

Here's some pics of them on and off the bike. In fact, I've still got them, so if anyone was interested in picking them up, I'd let them go cheap. You'd just have to get some velcro to attach them. I've got absolutely no use for them.




Sanger, yeah, they probably are illegal (in fact, I'm sure they are), but I was hellbent to try them anyway. LOL.

The funny thing about it? I've NEVER ridden with them on the bike. Not once. It just made me uncomfortable (I thought they were too dark too). They're the dark smoke version.

I bought them not long after I got the bike, when I was still squidly (not that I think having them is squidly...just saying I was more concerned with looks than safety at the time). I've still got them sitting around here, looking like they did the day I bought them.