California helmetcam: Roadrager stops to slap rider in the helmet

Guys guys guys.... no gun was drawn here. How did this conversation get off poking fun at Public Tool #1?

No, it is relevant. Just playing a what if scenario since there are so many of us, including me and probably 90% of the world that don't understand the point or purpose of a CWP? What good is it if you can never use it. Self ego I'm guessing.

Place yourself in the riders situation, and you have a firearm. The guy is making a very aggressive approach, and you have no idea what his intentions are. What will you do? Okay, let him beat the living day lights out of you, you are in full gear, no harm done.
No, it is relevant. Just playing a what if scenario since there are so many of us, including me and probably 90% of the world that don't understand the point or purpose of a CWP? What good is it if you can never use it. Self ego I'm guessing.

Place yourself in the riders situation, and you have a firearm. The guy is making a very aggressive approach, and you have no idea what his intentions are. What will you do? Okay, let him beat the living day lights out of you, you are in full gear, no harm done.

Why do you think gear makes you invincible? You can still suffer crush and penetrating Injries. You wearing a throat gaurd to keep the life from being choked out of you? Or how will your ribs feel if he was jumping on your chest? Kidneys? I wouldn't attack your hands knees or feet.and I would eventually get that helmet off. You scream AGATT but think we have "egos" when we carry things to keep us from inury.
Guys guys guys.... no gun was drawn here. How did this conversation get off poking fun at Public Tool #1?

agreed the topic did wander off a bit from the original post, but i also agree with VEGASRIDER in that a deadly shooting via a road rage is a shown by the incident posted by Neal.
Why do you think gear makes you invincible? You can still suffer crush and penetrating Injries. You wearing a throat gaurd to keep the life from being choked out of you? Or how will your ribs feel if he was jumping on your chest? Kidneys? I wouldn't attack your hands knees or feet.and I would eventually get that helmet off. You scream AGATT but think we have "egos" when we carry things to keep us from inury.

What makes you think pulling a gun is going to necessarily help you?

The guy was in close proximity. You start pulling a gun out of bag to point at the guy is definitely escalating the situation. The guy is going try to charge tackle you and try to wrestle the gun away.

You may manage to kill the guy and end up in jail for murder.

Or You may very well end up on your back with a that guy and motorcycle on top of you. He will wrestle the gun away and possible start pumping rounds in your body/face.

Now you are seriously injured/dead or a newly minted murder because you are too paranoid to handle a little man-to-man talk about driving on the road.
Now you are seriously injured/dead or a newly minted murder because you are too paranoid to handle a little man-to-man talk about driving on the road.

Because that's clearly what hot-head roided out douchebag wanted...a little man-to-man talk about driving on the road...
Nothing good can come out of a road rage situation. Best thing to have when dealing with a guy like that is distance. You're on a f'ing motorcycle. Use it.
No, it is relevant. Just playing a what if scenario since there are so many of us, including me and probably 90% of the world that don't understand the point or purpose of a CWP? What good is it if you can never use it. Self ego I'm guessing.

Place yourself in the riders situation, and you have a firearm. The guy is making a very aggressive approach, and you have no idea what his intentions are. What will you do? Okay, let him beat the living day lights out of you, you are in full gear, no harm done.

I've enjoyed watching this thread - the arguments are very interesting.

My first reaction would be to get out of there as soon as he got out of the car. You have no idea what the dude is gonna do. People are crazy (God is great, beer is good, people are crazy (good song even thought I really don't like country)).

The reason I have a CWP is simply this - If the guy came out of the car with a weapon and you had no place to go, what would you do? Your buddy is to your right on his bike, traffic is moving in the other direction to your left. Where could you go? I would not have drawn on him as I don't see a life threatening situation, but I'd rather have the gun and not need it then need it and not have it.
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I am all for CWP. However, that was not the situation to pull a gun.

Secondly, most of the talk about CWP has been from a very self-centred point of view only about being able to protect one's person and it is disappointing. What happened to wanting to carry a weapon so you can protect others around you?

Like if that woman was carrying in the van she or the second rider was carrying they could have step in if the situation started getting out of control.
I am all for CWP. However, that was not the situation to pull a gun.

Secondly, most of the talk about CWP has been from a very self-centred point of view only about being able to protect one's person and it is disappointing. What happened to wanting to carry a weapon so you can protect others around you?


Historically, In most instances, the self centered point of view for the person holding the CWP has ended up with the life sentence, or screwed or whatever your opinon would have been for that circumstance. However, there will come a time where a person who has a CWP uses it and saves dozens of lives. It's just a matter of time. That will be one of the very rare scenarios where the CWP will be free and clear.

Neal, based under that exact scenario, assuming you do not know the outcome, you will not draw.

FZ6Bandit, you will draw your weapon.

I am all for CWP. However, that was not the situation to pull a gun.

Secondly, most of the talk about CWP has been from a very self-centred point of view only about being able to protect one's person and it is disappointing. What happened to wanting to carry a weapon so you can protect others around you?

Like if that woman was carrying in the van she or the second rider was carrying they could have step in if the situation started getting out of control.

Isn't that the role of the police? Having a gun doesn't make anyone a crime fighter.
Isn't that the role of the police? Having a gun doesn't make anyone a crime fighter.

No, the police rarely are around to help anyone ever. The police get sent in after someone gets killed or robbed to investigate after the damage is done.
Lets get something straight. Go back a few pages and look to see when I would draw.

And Neal. You need to go back a few pages to see why I carry as well.

I seem to be addressing issues and yet have found only the same ones repeated back to me.
No, the police rarely are around to help anyone ever. The police get sent in after someone gets killed or robbed to investigate after the damage is done.

You've convinced me. I need to make some new mods to my bike for safety.

The single minded views go both ways. I respect your decision on not owning guns. It isn't a overcompensation. I pray we live in a world where we don't need guns. But that is a fairy tale. I would take a bullet and send one out for any one of you if someone was wishing to do harm to you and i wouldn't know y'all from Adam.
By the time the police are called it is often too late. Though, i believe there should be a life threat to pull a gun on someone. I don't think this incident would justify pulling out a gun.
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Very interesting thread. Have enjoyed reading the different views. Glad to know there are people out there cool enough to let it go. Had a GTI driver kind of mess with me the other day and my cage is a VW!

I keep thinking that the GTI driver owes the biker a new helmet! I take my gear very seriously and one good bang is the end of a helmet for me.
No, the police rarely are around to help anyone ever. The police get sent in after someone gets killed or robbed to investigate after the damage is done.


One of my favorite sayings is 1911- for when 9-1-1 isn't quick enough.

Especially for those of us who live way out in the country. You'd be surprised how slow an officer can take to get there.
Very interesting thread. Have enjoyed reading the different views. Glad to know there are people out there cool enough to let it go. Had a GTI driver kind of mess with me the other day and my cage is a VW!

I keep thinking that the GTI driver owes the biker a new helmet! I take my gear very seriously and one good bang is the end of a helmet for me.

Lol seems like most GTI drivers have something to prove, like they own a Bugatti veyron and they have to prove it at every light...
I have to say this thread has been pretty much railroaded. There are so many scenarios that can play out in a shoot don't shoot situation that it's a hard call for professionals that have to carry every day.

You have to admit that in our culture it seems to other citizens that we'll pull a gun just because we're in fear and that puts everyone else in fear.

In the situation with "Mini Me" there's no reason to rattle gun barrels, swords or brandish them unless you would be totally intimidated by the altercation.
Most likely the person you have to worry about will have you in a bad situation before you can help yourself if you carry or not. It happens very quickly so lets stop imagining the perfect shoot. :thumbup:

I'm going to say something and I hope people are not offend by it.
I totally understand this situation pissing you off. I would be! I thought about the idea of of the rider riding around and bailing but that may have escalated to something worse. Even if you could get beyond this bum he may have involved others in an accident. I don't know, other than a quick dismount that he could have done anything else.
If what happened to this rider does scare you, think about taking a self defense class or boxing. Many people never have been hit and what happens when they get tagged is they freeze up. If you've had experience with contact sports like football etc. you'd probably be pissed at this but you're not thinking gun. Maybe tackle or run the guy into the end zone (his car door) but not gun!
By the way my dad was a expert marksman in the military and my brothers and I got to do a lot of plinking but it was impressed from our dad to never harm people or animals unless for the need of food or defense. So guns weren't an ends to violence but more like play for us.

If other forums are publishing stuff about who this guy is let's not continue to post that here on our forum keeping in mind that innocent people get hurt from mistaken identity and from what I understand law enforcement is already involved with this. We really don't need to add to any crowd mentality that is occurring elsewhere. :)