Caladin's 2010 trip: Arctic bound

That is a great amazing adventure, I grew up in northern BC and I have been to a few of the places you went through. It was nice to see some of the places and it makes me miss all of the ones i remember.

That is an amazing trek in a car, on a bike I can only imagine how amazing it would be.

Thanks for bringing all of us along.
Inspiring to say the least, you do what 90% of us dream about doing...I must say I admire your courage and planning skills.

I have to admit on some of those long straight road snapshots, my absolute first thought was WOT! period....although I know safety would prevent that.

Epic is an understatement, thanks for sharing!!
I would like to tell you, Caladin, that Lonesoldier, Vegas and I have decided you suck for raining on our parade. We took quite an amazing trip and you were mentioned several times. Then we log on to see you have upstaged us before we even got to post our trip reports.
So, i repeat, you suck.

Kidding, of course, as we were all truly in awe. Amazing trip!
Anyone want to go to Mexico with me? :cheer:

Anyone here could ride the places I have gone. I am by no means even close to a skilled rider. I'm willing to bet that 90% of the riders here would EASILY out pace me on a twisty road. I feel that my strength in riding is knowing my limits and having excellent situational awareness.

I'm game, but No Hablo Espanol.

I feel the same way when I go for these group rides in Southern California. I'm definatley outclassed, but it's a good thing, as you will always improve if your hanging around better riders. And yes, knowing your limiits and having excellent situational awareness is a must if you decide to take more risks.

After all, riding is 90% mental. It's your mental skills is what allows you to ride safely. So Calidin, you got the right stuff!
With spot I know that I always have someone knowing where I am. There is something very nice about knowing that people are watching over my shoulder tracking my progress.

SO TRUE! I used Google Latitude so friends could follow my progress but it would only update when I had service on my cell phone.
Nobody loves me so nobody kept track of me. Except the government. But I lined the inside of my helmet with tin-foil so they couldn't hear my thoughts anymore.