Brotherly Love


Junior Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Lake Crystal, MN
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So first I'll start out with this news article.

I read it this morning and it's the same road my brother takes to work every day and I almost asked him if he saw it. Over my lunch, I get an email from him saying that he DID see it and he CCd the rest of the family. An excerpt from his email:
This was coming south on 15 just out of New Ulm where it is two lanes for trucks going up the hill. There were two cars stopped waiting to turn left in the inside lane and I went by in the outside lane and about 75-100 feet behind me the motorcyclist didn't see the two stopped cars in time. I saw him smash into the back of the car and the bike flung him at least 50 ft across the outside lane and over the guard rail. I stopped and called the police and the operator asked me if there were any injuries to the motorcyclist, but I told her we didn't know because we couldn't find him. It took several minutes to even find his body in the ditch because it was so steep and the grass is knee high. Turns out it didn't really matter.
There was a 20-30 ft skid marks on the road where he tried to stop (saw it on my way to work this morning), but he was still going fast enough to push the Pontiac into the back end of the car in front of it and wrinkled the hood. There wasn't much left of his bike either, and it was a big cruiser; couldn't make out the brand. He wasn't wearing a helmet either. Not sure if it would of mattered with how hard he hit the car and how far he flew afterward though.
Needless to say, it was not an experience I enjoyed, and of course I instantly thought of you. I had to double check to make sure it wasn't your bike...

This is coming from my younger brother who has wanted a bike longer than I have and got me wanting a bike,, took the classes before I did, but he never had the funds to buy one. He wants me to sell the bike, but I told him that is why I gear up and it's something I like to do.

Just thought I'd share that with everyone. Stay safe out there and pay attention!
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unfortunately this time of year brings out more and more motorcycle's really disheartening...

Thanks for the reminder to pay attention, and to gear up.

Very sad, because this crash was 100% preventable. Yes, enjoy the ride but pay attention!

A big +1. Lots of people out there will want you to sell your bike when they come across such stories. Sad as it may be, the rider in this story took himself out. Gearing up is a big part of the equation, but always applying SEE is critical!! Can't possibly wear enough gear to keep you safe, if you're not applying the strategy.

Of course none of us can say with 100% certainty that we'll never crash or get hurt or even killed. We accept the risk and we know it's worth it.. that's why we keep riding. But good street riders also do everything in their power to minimize risk as much as possible and stack the odds in their favor.
The responses from my family are kind of funny. My dad and brother would like me to sell it, but my mom said she'd like my dad to get one. She likes to ride pillion.