Bris Fizz

Ok, first things first......Waaaah:rant:! I wanna go on the ride with you
Now that I've maturely dealt with my disappointment:rof:......Rum is for sailors suits me an ex-sailor and all:p...PMSL. Of course the only rum I'll drink is Bundy:bow::drool:. Really don't have much to do with beer as I am a reformed Alkie:cheer: and now only drink the Nice scotch instead of the cheap stuff and of course Beam:D. The drink that made me the shape I am
Ok, first things first......Waaaah:rant:! I wanna go on the ride with you
Now that I've maturely dealt with my disappointment:rof:......Rum is for sailors suits me an ex-sailor and all:p...PMSL. Of course the only rum I'll drink is Bundy:bow::drool:. Really don't have much to do with beer as I am a reformed Alkie:cheer: and now only drink the Nice scotch instead of the cheap stuff and of course Beam:D. The drink that made me the shape I am

Ive seen you drink beer,and i am a alkie but i have given up spirits rather than the beer.
Ive seen you drink beer,and i am a alkie but i have given up spirits rather than the beer.

A pale at Matt's and a pale at Lobethal. It's easy for me to remember where I've had a beer in the last twelve months:thumbup:......two more at the West Thebby hotel. I've had 5 Beams at the hogs breath for my birthday, I had 2 cans of Beam Aussie Moto Gp day, another can Sunday last week end, 2 cans Saturday morning also last weekend, a couple more Beamers and one beer at the top pub in Lobie and a few at the West Thebbie. I had two more at another place I can't remember the name of at the moment( not because i drank too much) and had a couple at home here with my bro. that's pretty much it for the last 12 months. :cheer: I'm a good boy now:innocent::liar:

Mike,your a friggin' saint................or a very good liar ,lol

I've had a good hard think about it.......(not that hard) and no I'm not a saint:spank::D.
But this is the most I've drunk in one year for about 6 years. If I avoid getting changed and specifically aiming for a big night out I don't have any trouble refraining. If I go out looking to get into it then it's gunna get 10 or 12 Tequila shots to start and scotch and beam and blow mega bucks in a few hours then drive home.....not a good idea really...not because I'll crash but because I'll lose my license if caught.:eek: Not a saint....just can't afford to feed my habit:(
Ok, first things first......Waaaah:rant:! I wanna go on the ride with you
Now that I've maturely dealt with my disappointment:rof:......Rum is for sailors suits me an ex-sailor and all:p...PMSL. Of course the only rum I'll drink is Bundy:bow:.

Your welcome on a QLD ride anyday Mike.... Rum is for sailors and Hard men :D , Bundy is pure nectar from the heavens... :bow: to the mighty Bundy Bear... Im of the conclusion that people who dont drink cane cutters cordial must like wax their chest and stuff...... :jawdrop: :eek: .........Yep i think this bottle should do me for the day :thumbup: