Boys Ride "Girl Bikes", Do Girls Ride "Boy Bikes"?

Well, mine cares if I ride her too hard without being properly lubed, bitches if I wake her too early for some action, and complains if I twist her throttle without being warmed up....:BLAA:

But on a side note, "she" began as a respect for marine vessels, BOATS. Being out at sea is like being out with a woman....Treat them with respect, and they will treat the same.:thumbup:
Males refer to their bikes as females, "Today I washed and waxed her paying particular attention to the headlights and ass end."

Do females refer to their bikes as males?
"I cut off the midpipe so when I sat on him and really gave it a go he would scream louder."

Or females?
"I just love her sleek lines and I know when I throw my leg over her one of us is going to end up screaming."

One of life's great mysteries.

Im a chick and my bike is a chick too :) She is so prettttyyyyyy
Wow, yet another thread revival - 2 years ago :eek: LOL

Haha - I was thinking the same thing.

There was a poll about this not too long ago. I don't call my bike a gender, its a bike. I refer to it as "it".
Language. English is gender neutral. American English is gender confused ( I was going to put a smilie here but today we don't have smilies. Everyday this forum changes formatting. It is starting to pi55 me off.). Most of the Languages on earth are not. Every Noun has a gender, that is what makes it a noun by the rules of that language.
So in Spanish, just to pick a poor example, A motorcycle would be Male (el, I think) or female (la): el FZ6 or la FZ6. I think. It is all nonsense to me. Although I did name mine Adele, after the singer. It was the pipes.

I think the FemNazis are missing a good bet there. It would do more to empower fems to exterminate languages that are not gender neutral. Or at least neuter such languages.
Although with something like Arabic, which is not only gendered but supports a religion that actively promotes rape they have their work cut out for them.